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how should AA be played on tournament  0   
if i got AA on one of the 3 frst level were everybody has got more that 150 bb how should we play AA,

Standard raise. 3BB.

yea 3 or 4 bb in my eyes unless alot of people are going to call that

just push all in and hope for a call,
but do this only on a table where players are going mad calling anythink,
other wise the standard 3BB Big Smile Smile

All ways raise with AA even if you are SB and its folded to you as you just cant let anyone / more than 1 in the pot. AA Vs XX is far greater in your favour than AA Vs XX Vs XX
If the pot is raised to you then you should 3 bet you can even 5 / 6 / 7 bet if there are 2 or more in the pot infront of you.
If you are feeling brave just push it all in. but never never never slow play AA. it can be done but only is very limited plays. With limits on the flop cards ie no draws and with a very goo dunderstanding of you opponent. AA looses value after the flop depending on the board and the players in the pot, ofcourse if AAx is the flop its possibly the worst flop for AA as you'll almost never get a caller so slow playing could be your only choice, unless you have a crazy at the table with you/// Thumbs Up

good job xxxbchxx but if you write your posts with a pen it would of ran out by now,

you do a lot of replys which are long dont get me wrong this is good and you get your point across but does your fingers hurt from all this typing mate Big Smile

mine do and they aint that long compared to yours Blink

Posted by dozn01:
good job xxxbchxx but if you write your posts with a pen it would of ran out by now,

you do a lot of replys which are long dont get me wrong this is good and you get your point across but does your fingers hurt from all this typing mate Big Smile

mine do and they aint that long compared to yours Blink

Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile
i agree with bch i could not be fucked typing that out Big Smile

AA should be played always with a raise, that is how you play AA, KK, QQ. There is also luck, because have seen many AA fallen to two pairs, but that is poker luck is a factor.

Standard play is a normal raise here, 3-4 BB if first into the pot. Only if we have some aggressive players acting behind us we can go for a limp-raise.

In early level I will bet something more tyhan the standard 3BB raise ( from 5 to 7 or 8 BB) o clear the field from drawers as the blinds are low and it will be cheap for everyone to call a 3BB raise ....
I would prefeer to go in HU with me on AA Smile

Depending on many factors ... how many people there are, is a freeroll or a expensive buyin, in which position are you going to play, are there raisers or limpers? how aggressive is the table, ... buff! Sorry but the answer is always the same: depending on.

but one is for sure - better proper raise preflop than option let somebody setmine

"3BBs + 1BB per limper" they say :o) Spade

Posted by MarouH:
"3BBs + 1BB per limper" they say :o) Spade

yeh, right way....

Posted by MarouH:
"3BBs + 1BB per limper" they say :o) Spade

Depends on the table.

At some tables 2,5BB + 1BB per limper will do the trick, at other one will need 4-5BB + 1BB per limper or even more.

if this stays between you and me Blink Blink i allways go all-in, the people have to pay to se the aces Cool

A would play somelike this:

Early pos: Raise between 3-6 BB
Middle pos: No limper: 3-6BB
Limpers: 5-6BB
raiser: AI
Late pos: No limper: 3-5BB
Limpers: 3-5BB
raiser: AI

Well it is hard to say how should someone be playing aces in the early stages of a tournament. You can have an ideea if it is rebuy or freezout an push or raise. One thing i never do with aces in a tournament... slowplay,NEVER.Because if u have more than one caller you are definetly beat by 2 pairs or better, so if someone wants to play the hand make sure you got a big chunk of his chips in play with a standard raise or re-raise depending on the situation in hand.
Good luck at the tables and best wishes

if i got AA on one of the 3 frst level were everybody has got more that 150 bb how should we play AA,"


look here

some advice...


early position smooth call, otherwise raise

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