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Full vs Poker  0   
Good evening dear mobsters, I'm here finishing a game weekend. Quite productive, I was able to quadruple my bankroll, but even so, I lost incredible hands like some I'm going to show you. At least I lost 5 full vs poker today, I do not remember if I shared them all in boom.
I leave this hands to see what hand they pay for!

But sometimes luck is on my side

For now I have to finish a 1.10 NLHE Progressive KO. We are 21, I am 16/21. For now $ 8 of bountys + 4 or $ 5 of prizes.

Edit: Finish 12º Sad TT vs AQ, got his queen on flop

Edited by ligador37 (30 April 2018 @ 04:42 GMT)

yeah,its s... to lose with full house against quads and especially when this happen more then once!its sick!yesterday I had at BRM freeroll and party poker quads of 2 on flop already and just waited for other player to bet and to lose!he had A on river,pushed almost all in and lost even he had A A hand and full house on table!

a good weekend for you my friend ligador37 Thumbs Up I congratulate you on the great success you managed to make your bankroll four times bigger Thumbs Up Cool I want you lucky next weekend and keep duplicating your bankroll Big Smile As far as poker stars are concerned, do not be nervous once you lose and the second time you get it Big Smile

Yes i think this is a very bad situation for you. You have very good combination full house and of course you have to play in this hand and for opponent have quads is not good but happen not often, sonthis is bad luck but you have to play same again

What can i say. These hands are very ugly and instead of giving bad beats you take them. Pokerstars remain horrible and this will not change. To get something there you'll have to rent a hacker or to continue playing many hours in every day, to get anothers bad beats or to gain some poor money. I also bother gamblers like that player with A 7 diamonds. Horrible style... Angry

For a few years i lost 4 of Kind in a tourney i had TT he QQ we have both a set on the Flop.I think s**t we have both a big stack and 2 other players are in pot and i will lose.
On the turn the T and i say yeah i win a very big pot.
And on the river the Q thats was very hard but i lost the Hand against a very friendly and good player.So when i not win so my chips goes to a good player.Its not so hard as i lost my chips vs a donk Blink

it seems to me that you had a very productive weekend in terms of profit .... and then that in the last words you regret that I could not win again ... then if you look around your other distributions you should not be dejected .... but you can not always drive yourself know ... good luck with the game

TT vs 22
- I was putting the Player 2 (the small blind) on A2 or AT since s/he flatted your reraise on the flop...
66 vs 77
- The Player 6 limping preflop... I smelled something fishy.
AK vs QJo, 54s
- Some players play any suited card (in position)!
AA vs A7s
- Super nasty runner runner flush. So disgusting.

Edited by Tony_MON7ANA (30 April 2018 @ 19:43 GMT)

Congrats ligador37! You quadruple your bankroll? Please don´t say wich was his amount, because I would become very envious!!! But I have a good motive to be very Argentina we had four days to weekend and I only should go to my work on Wednesday! Cool

Well, they are hands that one hurts to lose at the moment, but as I generally did well, one remembers them as anecdotes. I think I played them well and that's what matters, beyond result. I know that in the long run, playing like this, I will do well. It is normal to suffer these badbeats or coolers, but I never thought that some were so followed.
I will keep you informed if I can continue to increase the bank

I have to say you were very unlucky.
How many times can someone do a full house, running on four of a kind Smile
The good thing though is that you managed to get some money from the tournament.
Better luck next time Smile

Posted by ligador37:
I will keep you informed if I can continue to increase the bank

of course write here more about your ups and of course falls .... and then there is one friend so he writes only when he wins something in tournaments ... we all know who I'm talking about, boys and girls ..... interesting not only the game of professional and ordinary people Question

Posted by ligador37:
Well, they are hands that one hurts to lose at the moment, but as I generally did well, one remembers them as anecdotes. I think I played them well and that's what matters, beyond result. I know that in the long run, playing like this, I will do well. It is normal to suffer these badbeats or coolers, but I never thought that some were so followed.
I will keep you informed if I can continue to increase the bank

Yeah, ligador37, you didn't do anything particularly bad. Even the greatest poker player cannot avoid becoming the victim of bad luck. That's just inevitable in the long run. Good luck with your next session.

Turning your bankroll into four times your starting balance is an awesome results and you should be pride of it.
Bad beat are part of the games and am sure that inside that pokersessoin there have been hands you won starting as underdog but for some reason our brain only remember the ones from which we suffered a loss.

Stick to your poker game and let the bad beats flow out of your mind and don't let them influence your game style.

Congrats and keep it up Thumbs Up

everybody have this kind of wins and losts and this isnt nothing strange!ofcourse its bad when you lost against quads,but you cant do anything!especially when is on river!but when you win on that hand,then is something special!

Ligador37 I can tell you that you have achieved great success and you can freely say that you had a good game and everything else is not important Thumbs Up What happened to you would never happen if you played live poker or some big tournament so you can count that this has not happened Blink

Posted by magatt966:
Turning your bankroll into four times your starting balance is an awesome results and you should be pride of it.
Bad beat are part of the games and am sure that inside that pokersessoin there have been hands you won starting as underdog but for some reason our brain only remember the ones from which we suffered a loss.

Stick to your poker game and let the bad beats flow out of your mind and don't let them influence your game style.

Congrats and keep it up Thumbs Up

Sure, that I have clear. I know it's normal that once you have those bad beats, it's a matter of statistics. There are so many hands that one plays a day that is normal, and even not bother so much for having suffered, partly because I could take advantage of other hands that went well, and I got good profits, and because also, as I lost those hands I also won others that I could have easily lost. At the beginning of the topic, I published a hand of Omaha where it clearly shows that I was lucky.

To see also that I count the wins, here I leave a couple of hands yesterday, which went well. Yesterday I played cash, that's why there is no MTT or SIT hand
Normally I do not do this, but I already had some notes about the villain and I wanted to see if I could get him out of it.
This type of hands has been both for and against me, and it is very difficult to escape from the final result.

KJo vs ??
- You seemed to know the playing tendency of the Player 3 very well.
TT vs 44
- Set over set! I guess the player 5 put you on QJ, T9, Tx, or something.
AQs vs AKo
- Well played.

Hello Tony, I leave this hand for you to analyze.
The ides is that you try to decipher what hand the villain takes before the final result. Try to put it in ranges, and see if the end surprises you.

Sometimes I do not understand what these people really play.
A hand where the poker was in my favor, a pity I could not get more value.

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