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Champions Invitational: Tom McEvoy becomes the WSOP champion of all time!

Tags: Champions Invitational, Peter Eastgate, Phil Hellmuth, Robert Varkonyi, Tom McEvoy.
Posted on 02 June 2009 by "T".

Carlos Mortensen, who had a great chiplead before the final table, went to everyone's surprise out on 5th place. Instead it came to be a battle between Tom McEvoy (1983 Main Event winner) and Robert Varkonyi (2002 Main Event Winner) in heads-up.

Tom McEvoy and Robert Varkonyi came to be the last men standing in the Champions Invitational tournament, which included 20 out of 36 players that have won the Main Event in World Series of Poker. Tom McEvoy was on second place as the final table begun. He had been playing great poker since the very beginning of the tournament and so he continued throughout the whole tournament. Even though he had a big chip lead as he was playing heads-up versus Robert Varkonyi, he really had to fight hard for the win as Robert Varkonyi played some amazing poker even though he was shorted stacked. Basically Varkonyi raised McEvoy quite a lot before the flop and then pushed all-in when the 3 community cards hit the table. This tactic worked quite well and he managed to build up his stack. But everything came to an end after this hand.....

Both players limped in to see the flop 7Club5Spade8Club. Varkonyi bet 4,000 and McEvoy calls. The turn card 6Club is a real action card as it's now very likely that someone has a straight or a flush. Varkonyi bet 8,000 and McEvoy makes it 16,000. Varkonyi then goes all-in, McEvoy calls straight away.

Both players show their cards
McEvoy 10Club9Diamond
Varkonyi jDiamond5Club

Varkonyi only has a pair of 5's and is basically drawing dead with his 1 out for a straight flush against McEvoy's nut straight with a higher flush draw. No miracle when the kClub fell on the river and McEvoy takes home the tournament with a higher flush.

Final table results:
1. Tom McEvoy
2. Robert Varkonyi
3. Dan Harrington
4. Jim Bechtel
5. Carlos Mortensen
6. Huck Seed
7. Berry Johnston
8. Doyle Brunson
9. Peter Eastgate
10.Phil Hellmuth


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5 comments on "Champions Invitational: Tom McEvoy becomes the WSOP champion of all time!"

 Fakiry02/06/2009 14:57:47 GMT
If Varkonyi was building his stack so well, why did he tremble on this hand? Two thoughts: 1st - receiving a call at flop shows McEvoy was able to take that hand further long, leaving a presage of a nice hand, what ought have made Varkonyi thinking if it was safe to continue; 2nd - he had a low pair so if he wanted to continue with that hand, he should have continued his strategy and went all in imediately after flop. McEvoy, chip leader, was playing tight, only viewing after flops that could gave him the victory. This is a strong expression for a bad fish rookie like me to define a superstar champion WSOP winner like Robert Varkonyi, but with the hand that gave him 2nd place, he looked a bit "greedy" to me...
 Jodoli02/06/2009 21:53:14 GMT
Lol! Doyle Brunson, eastgate and phill helmuth were the last of the final table! What a surprise! lol Carlos Mortensen was the chip leader and he gave his opportunity away! They all were good players it is no surprise for me the winner!
 xxxbchxxx03/06/2009 00:24:43 GMT
wow you got to take your hats of to these guys..
they play some hard hand poker...
id love to get in to some tournys with such a diverse groupe of hard poker players...
I mean just imagin sitting there with them all trying to get a read on you when your sitting there thinking fuck im in well over my head here...LOL Confused
You could just take the piss with what ever you do ...., Till one of them catch you that is..
then you'd have to play a bit better.....good fun..... Big Smile
 sirthomas03/06/2009 08:46:18 GMT
Varkonyi probably didn't put McEvoy on a really good hand after that he just doubled his 8k bet....but I agree...with Fakiry's post.. that one should expect a bit more than that from such a great players at Varkonyi...esp after playing so we'll before the final hand.
 M4tt03/06/2009 08:57:21 GMT
Sick for peter eastgate.. i think he is very good.. maybe too young... but macevoy is a legend and i'm glad that he wins... even if he wins on a bad bluff of Varkonyi ^^

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