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Aussie Millions Main Event: Day 3 is Over! Many Poker Stars Left in the Competition!

Tags: Aussie Millions 2014, Jason Mercier, Jonathan Duhamel, Liv Boeree, Scott Seiver, Sorel Mizzi.
Posted on 06 February 2014 by "T".

Another day of play has come to an end at Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia. A field of 668 entrants has been narrowed down to 36 players after three days of intensive play. The player with the largest stack heading into Day 4 is Sal Fazzino of Australia. Fazzino, who's been around the live scene for several years but still has no major score to his name, took the chip lead in the last hand of the day...

It was the perfect set-up for Fazzino who held JClubJDiamond against Gareth Dwyer with 4Spade4Club. The flop came down KClubJSpade4Diamond and both players shoved on the 5Diamond turn. The river card wasn't a 4 so Dwyer was sent packing.

It will be interesting to see if Fazzino has what it takes to make it to the final table though. He can't afford any mistakes as he will be joined to Day 4 by several big names in the poker world, including Scott Seiver, Sorel Mizzi, Jonathan Duhamel, Erik Seidel, Jason Mercier and Liv Boeree. No matter how things turn out tomorrow, it looks like we will have some well-known faces on the final table - battling it out for the top prize of AUD$1,600,000!


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3 comments on "Aussie Millions Main Event: Day 3 is Over! Many Poker Stars Left in the Competition! "

 doubletop77707/02/2014 12:07:59 GMT
What an array of big names left in this tournament. I hope Liv Boeree can go on to win this tournament now but with the people left in it is going to be very difficult. I look forward to seeing who wins this tourney
 pokerstar2007/02/2014 15:31:25 GMT
Jason Mercier is gonna win i think.
 MB3007/02/2014 15:41:37 GMT
I am big fan of these stories:Local guy against big names of poker community holds the lead.We have to wait and see the final table and stack sizes to get more clear picture of the winner.Glad to see names like Scott Seiver, Sorel Mizzi, Jonathan Duhamel, Erik Seidel, Jason Mercier and Liv Boeree to go on.Think the young guys represent new poker icons who gonna show how poker nowdays been played.P.S. Dont you love hitting higher set than yours opponent?As long as it not transforms to quads of course.

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