Is 5,000 points to big an amount to reach before cashing out
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Joined: Feb '08
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Hi just wondering do you feel 5,000 mob points is to big an amount to reach before cashing out. I personally feel without being successful at being an affiliate its going to be extremely difficult to reach this target, Now i am trying to introduce people to bankroll mob, but only got 1 so far and am working at posting strong and hopefully interesting posts, and even tried my hand at reviews of poker sites i have played at. But it is going to a long time before i hit 5,000, I thought 1,000 would be a better target and receive $10 then. I feel with a more reachable target belief that you will make it might also make you put in more effort and also better posting. Anyway going to plug away as I want to hit the target,(Im goal orientated and i want to achieve this)
But i must say I think it is great though to be able to earn money from participating in a forum by posting and doing reviews So fair play to Bankroll mob for this.
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oops.. I clicked yes, but i mis-read the question(never mind lol)
I think 5K is reasonable.. Because they're already giving away much money, I think 5K limits people cashing out to either lucky draw/safe winners or people willing to advertise for BRM.
to reach 5K just from forum posts (especially considering daily cap) would take a while so I guess at that means only active forum members (who help keep the site alive as well) are rewarded with more free cash.
I think 10K/20K/30K cash outs would just lead to a LOT more rubbish posts and probably cost BRM a lot of money.
Plus, with $50 you're much less likely to go busto in an hour than if you cashed out $10. Helps you save for a better roll. if you could cash out $5, people woulda prob never save past that !
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I agree with jessthehuman. 5k is ok to me althoug I'm still far to get it. I think 5k is reasonable because BRM want to award people active at forums. If you are in a rush to cash out, you can bet all your point to the Mob draw or buy tickets for the safe. With lucky you hopefully will cah out soon.
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I few days ago, I started trying to find affiliates, and for the moment and are 6 entries, I think explaining how bankrollmob and not just add a banner alone can help more people interested.
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Posted by jessthehuman: oops.. I clicked yes, but i mis-read the question(never mind lol)
I think 5K is reasonable.. Because they're already giving away much money, I think 5K limits people cashing out to either lucky draw/safe winners or people willing to advertise for BRM.
to reach 5K just from forum posts (especially considering daily cap) would take a while so I guess at that means only active forum members (who help keep the site alive as well) are rewarded with more free cash.
I think 10K/20K/30K cash outs would just lead to a LOT more rubbish posts and probably cost BRM a lot of money.
Plus, with $50 you're much less likely to go busto in an hour than if you cashed out $10. Helps you save for a better roll. if you could cash out $5, people woulda prob never save past that !
exacly there giving you real money that why it had to be high other wise it would be too much hassle for the admin
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I think the mobpoints should be seen as just a nice bonus you get for hanging out here quite a while.
If the cashoutlimit was lower, I think we would get a lot of people just making stupid meaningless posts, like alot of mine , just to reach the target. Now, the 5000 points are so far away for a beginner, that it doesn't seem worth the effort.
So, the ones that reach 5000, by posting at least, are people that have propably contributed to the forum. I think. People that actually want to hang out here, and are not just looking for points.
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I see now that my earlier post is pretty much the same as Jessthehumans, and I can't edit it now. Sorry. Should have read the thread first. I'm a bad person. Damnright evil.
I voted no. I reached 5.000 and I cashed out and I think it is correct. When I began I thought to write every day to score 5.000 as soon as possible but I soon realized that it's funny to post here: it's a poker forum but you can talk about everything
Yes, it is. I won 2000 points in the safe code thing, and almost another 1000 with recomending friends, but it still a lot of work to get only 50$. I think should be limit only 20$ and would be enough.
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The only people who think 5000 is good are the ones who've either cashed in on it already or soon will. I've been here a while and even after referring a few others to the site [they never really took advantage of it sadly] I've only accumulated 3000pts altogether, I've used up over 1000 on draws and wasted a lot on the safe. I'll never reach 5k. 2000 pts for $20 would be very nice, as that in itself is tough enough to reach and I think it would give the more casual, but regular player, some kind of hope.
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5k is allright imo. even if it takes 12months to reach 5000points, at least you got a decent roll when you cashout. not pointing on anyone but some said $10 for BBP is nothing to start off why would you cashout $10 from BRM then ?
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In my country, for each comment i write, or for each post, i receive few points. But i only took four months to get my first 5,000 mob points. Perhaps some people from other countries are now laughing of me for taking so long, but if BRM decided this way, they should have their reasons... Now going straight to your question, it wouldnt make much sense to be able to cash out less than $50. You have to remember this is a "poker about" site, and most of poker rooms only have promos for $50 deposits, which is what the BRM earnings are intended for. So all we have to do is keep writing and creating forums so we can earn more points and so that BRM keep up to date!
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I don't think 5000 is a big amount for cash out, it the cashout was 1000/2000 it would lead to members leaving the site too early and it would be difficult to keep the forum alive.