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How many seconds to spend (min.) on reading & understand before the vote counts?

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Posted by mazas:
Nice thread Thumbs Up
if post is big like from u today it realy takes longer then 30 sec. Worship but if not so long like 20 words and wote yes or no it takes only 5 sec or maybe 3 sec Big Smile and if we put limit on polls 30 sec but u come read vote and go away and it takes only 10 sec that do else ? go there sit 1 min without doing nothing then vote ?

Well, you wouldn't really have to sit and wait for 1 minute if there's a 30 second limit, what would be the point of waiting double the time necessary? Smile

But I disagree- it should *never* be possible to read the question, two answers AND decide on an answer - in just 3 seconds.

lol .. Looks like many ppl will stay without points in the future, when it comes to voting the poll.. if they don't even pay attention to this one. haha Big Smile

I think this idea is great, it'll stop ppl from abusing the poll and the activity on the forums might increase as well. Well done, Tony. Thumbs Up

I spend on reading and understanding before the vote counts about ten to fifteen seconds. I usually vote in polls and read all of the new posts so I am spendig one hour a day on Good luck. Meet at the tables.

Posted by Administrator:

Well, you wouldn't really have to sit and wait for 1 minute if there's a 30 second limit, what would be the point of waiting double the time necessary? Smile

But I disagree- it should *never* be possible to read the question, two answers AND decide on an answer - in just 3 seconds.

ok i agree maybe 10 seconds needed not 5 or 3 stupid mistake 4 me Aww crap! yes 30 seconds limit is great decision thats 4 me i bet 4 more then 20 Blink

It depends on the tread..
sometime i read before..And other times i just vote,, Thumbs Up
Big Smile

i think 10-15 seconds are ok to read the questions and vote much questions are very simple or u can give only two answers

Around 10 seconds is ideal imo.


I think 20 or more because I´m the typical spanish with tooo bad english.


depends on the poll it self. some polls are just irrelevant and i konw the answer before i even read the possible answers...means i need 1sec except its a poll like this (with more than 3 words in a sentence) then i carefully read.
think 10sec is fine.

I go for 6-7, think its plenty of reading time.
Only in long posts like this would you need 15s, most Qs are simple and fits in the heading so not such a read.
Can I have my 10 points now Smile

I see it is already implemented. Ok for me, but the sad point is that I saw a good post to answer while reading the forum, so I answered then voted, and had to wait as if it was the first time I was on that topic/poll.

I agree with 'dunotra'. It's more important to post a response in the poll than it is to vote. Points for voting is a great incentive, but it would be easier to tell if people are making honest responses if they required a post along with the answer to the poll. The rule about seconds is new to me, but I don't think it's very affective..

I agree with 'dunotra'. It's more important to post a response in the poll than it is to vote. Points for voting is a great incentive, but it would be easier to tell if people are making honest responses if they required a post along with the answer to the poll. The rule about seconds is new to me, but I don't think it's very affective..


I think it takes me about 15 seconds to vote on the poll,

and I think that this good it has improved the system of punctuation on polls.


I usually read the question and then vote, but the question is not understandable at once I read the first thread too. About 10-15 sec is enough to gt the idea what the poll is about. Blink

I believe the minimum amount of seconds should be placed in the 5 to 6 secs. because, if some questions makes us think a bit (ex. "what would you do in this hand?" ) , others are almost imediatly (ex. "who do you think will win the WSOP?" ) . Besides that, its nice to see BRM is interested in maintain things serious, i think that is necessary.
Good job!

Edited by Fakiry (18 November 2009 @ 12:58 GMT)

1 problem with it, If you read it all then post a comment you have to wait again to vote.

to vote will not take long I almost always read the question and answer what you feel is more about posting a post you must think you're going to put on and if you know you have to go to English translator like me Big Smile

I was thnking about and I Think that minimum it's 15 sec, because you have to read the question, read the answer and the firs post where is the explanation about the poll, and then thik abut the answer. Smile

I think that 15 seconds is too long. I just voted in a poll there, and even waited after i read the question for a while cause I kenw I had to wait 15 seconds, and it still said I voted too quickly. It was a short question I know but still, i think 10 seconds is plenty.

Coolidea stop the voters till they understand the question.
Nothing wrong with that. Thumbs Up

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