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Just out of curiosity, has any BRM member actually won a tournament, would be nice to know. I personally myself have not won one, but I am getting more consistent with making it to the money and am happy with that.
Well my fulltilt account has been empty for quite a while now, thought id challenge myself to a $0 - $1K bankroll challenge & off to a good start, already up to over $40, but got off the ground by taking 1st in a field of over 1,700 ....
Joined: Feb '08
Location: Ireland
Age: 54 (M)
Posts: 638
yes loads..... but playing 3 to 4 years but lost loads and loads my last win was the other night playing omaha hi lo my biggest win i think was a $5 nl holdem around $700
Dont ask me how but i did it!!! My only realy big win tho was on bigbet the 5k gtd and yesterday i won a satelite to the sunday mulligan on full tilt but didnt play it my bankroll needet the buy in money more
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 6714
Yer iv a few under my belt now but as photolong my bigger wins have come from lesser places. Such a frill taking down your 1st place, mine ended up being a donk off, more of a well we both made it, weve been playing 4-5 hrs lets just get this thing done wth.
Joined: May '08
Location: Netherlands
Age: 54 (M)
Posts: 6197
Yeh won a couple tourneys, like 6/7, biggest 1st place was $375. I have a couple off bigger wins $500/$750, but thats more for going deep in a bigger buyinn MTT.
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Latvia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 556
I have won 1 or 2 50$ freeroll at ActionPoker site. Both tournaments gathered about 1.5K users, but about 1/3 of them just registered and never played. Nothing big at buyin MTT's.
Haven't won a tourney, but have made to the cash. Come to think about it, I haven't played in any tourneys since mid August, been focusing more on ring games for clearing bonuses and such.
Joined: Aug '09
Location: Chile
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 1353
A big one I haven't, but 45 players MTTs I have won a couple. I made a couple of Final table on MTTs of more than 2 thousands players but nothing better than 5th or 4th place