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Played on 770 Thursday, just a freeroll tournament, nothing special. First hand I was position 1 with 10 J, myself and 5 others all called Flop 8 9 Q. I bet the pot to see if I could get any interest, 4 fold, but player at position 8 re-raises, so I called. Turn reveals a 10, I went all-in, he calls has 9 10. So I got 8 9 10 J Q, he has two pair 9 and 10. What was the river, another fookin 10, he wins full house.
QUESTION : Should I slapped all-in after the flop and let fate decide or not.
Played again 770 Friday, $250 Happy Friday Freeroll, started very well, but went dead in the middle, on nibbles here and there, got to the money, progress steady, well bugger me first final table on Ipoker and eventually finished 3rd for $20.
Talk about one extreme to the other, but just thought I would share it with others, and to those who are just starting out, this goes to show, keep at it.
answer to your question: I don't understand the call on the flop and push on the turn ... in my opinion a push on the flop would be a better move to make, the T on the turn is NOT a good card for you anyway, ..., Off course the other guy played it terrible and just got lucky on the river so this really s*cks!!. I would have pushed on the flop, to put the descission back to him, would be a hard call for him to make ... (still it is a freeroll, so expect everything).
congrats on your ship the day after, 3th place is a great result, keep it up!
Joined: Dec '09
Location: Belgium
Age: 43 (M)
Posts: 162
i think you played it well, when the 10 womes on turn, its pretty sure for anyone that you hit the straight so when you push all-in, it all depends on the pot size and how much more your opponent has to complete for the call but in many case he doesnt have the oods to call for only 3 outs. Anyway poker also reward noob decisions sometimes, and your opponent had it this time.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 43 (M)
Posts: 401
You've tried to keep him on the hand to get payed for your nuts, without a flush draw on the table your line was good. Being beaten by a runner runner is a big improbability, so nothing to do.
He seems to be completely donk, so he probably could call your allin anyway. That's Poker.
Played on 770 Thursday, just a freeroll tournament, nothing special. First hand I was position 1 with 10 J, myself and 5 others all called Flop 8 9 Q. I bet the pot to see if I could get any interest, 4 fold, but player at position 8 re-raises, so I called. Turn reveals a 10, I went all-in, he calls has 9 10. So I got 8 9 10 J Q, he has two pair 9 and 10. What was the river, another fookin 10, he wins full house.
QUESTION : Should I slapped all-in after the flop and let fate decide or not.
Played again 770 Friday, $250 Happy Friday Freeroll, started very well, but went dead in the middle, on nibbles here and there, got to the money, progress steady, well bugger me first final table on Ipoker and eventually finished 3rd for $20.
Talk about one extreme to the other, but just thought I would share it with others, and to those who are just starting out, this goes to show, keep at it.
Joined: Apr '08
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Age: 45 (M)
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I vote yes...if the guy was so eager to reraise on the flop, he sure as hell would have called the least he would have called enough times to make the move profitable
Since villian raised of the flop with middle pair, I have to believe that he was trying to steal the pot at that moment. Pushing there would have been the best move since it would have put villlian on the spot on whether to continue with that hand or not. Since he improved to 2 pair on the turn, when u pushed, he probably decided that he'd gamble on 6 outs. 6/46=13% or slightly better than 1:10. Your push made it equitable to call in his mind since there was a possibility of a bluff as well.
Joined: Nov '09
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Age: 52 (M)
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you would went all in aftert the flop u had best hand thats all u can ask for when u get all ur chips in the middle but it sucks that people are looking to just blow there chips on first hands on freerolls
Joined: Oct '09
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Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 49
Posted by AA-Daelt-AA: i think you played it well, when the 10 womes on turn, its pretty sure for anyone that you hit the straight so when you push all-in, it all depends on the pot size and how much more your opponent has to complete for the call but in many case he doesnt have the oods to call for only 3 outs. Anyway poker also reward noob decisions sometimes, and your opponent had it this time.
I agree
You already hit and he had a 4 outer. He should never have made that call since it was obvious you hit a straight, especially since you already bet the pot on the flop. But mindless play gets rewarded, just dont let it get the best of you.