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Joined: Nov '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 48 (M)
Posts: 2194
Yeah started to watch it .. not all of it but most. Its quite interesting seeing the other types of sports we dont get to do in good old blighty. That snowboard racing down the track with 3 others was wicked. Even the cross event with shooting and sking was good to watch
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 2805
yes i watch it especially i like Biathlone and ice hockey so i didnt miss any translation on tv off this kind off sport our nation is really poor on olimpic games so we never win some medal but i really big fan off russian sport population because we are neighbourns
Joined: Nov '09
Location: Canada
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 302
of coures i do ... from canada too but i would watch anywere its the oldest and finnest sport event on earth theres just too much curling and artistic skating but the rest is a real good show
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Finland
Age: 39 (M)
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Ofc. i watch as much as possible, been doing winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding and curling myself back in days, now I only put up with snowboarding
Snowboard - Men's Halfpipe - Finland earned its first medal yesterday !
Joined: Dec '08
Location: Netherlands
Age: 65 (M)
Posts: 735
Nah, I hardly watch TV at all, and if I do watch sports, its only poker and snooker As for the "Olympic Games", isn't it time to swap "olympic" for "commercial"?
Joined: Jan '10
Location: United States
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 410
Posted by leroi21: hi i just want to know who watch or pay attention to the winter olympic games here in my country canada (Vancouver)
want to know if the entire world care about the 3.4 billion olympic games
i like to watch the hockey and the speed skating
i watched a little, when some wierd game started when the slide a big disc down the course and 2 other players brushed the floor in front of it as it slides, I said lololololololololol SEE YA.