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Joined: Jan '08
Location: Germany
Age: 41 (M)
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Posted by dozn01: easy liverpool cause this is the only thing left for them to win
not only for them, i think only madrid (national-cup final) and lissabon (first in the portuguese league) can still win national titles. for the german teams the title could be important to qualify for international competition next year, wolfsburg (current german champion) is only 10th in the bundesliga and hamburg has a lot of trouble the last weeks, they have a hard time to qualify in the league. well, wolfsburg is really weak at the moment, so they won't make (thats good, i hate this club). i think and hope hamburg and liverpool make it to the final, would be a great final for a "losers cup" and whoever wins, i would be happy, hamburg isn't my favorite german team, but i like them and it would be good for germanys uefa-ranking. liverpool is my favorite non-german club, so i'm always happy when i see them win.
This post by LarryLaffer has been removed, probably due to not following the thread rules (as specified in the 1st post), or because it was spam or irrelevant to this topic.
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Portugal
Age: 44 (M)
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its so sad when it come here people like larrylaffer insulting people just because he is the only one in the forumj that doenst like football. some people is really stupid, i dont coment in the sports that i doesnt care, and call people fags cause they like something you dont is just a small head atitud.
now talking about the thread, i think uefa is puire mafia, honestly this uefa and fifa stuff its working for what they wanted. its a miracle that the 3 best teams will play each other before the final just to put a germanic team in the final, iam talking about benfica liverpool and valencia, wich are by far the best teams in quarter finals. iam sure the balls were boilling hot and this is not a coincidence.
i can afirm that the real final is going to be played in lisbon and liverpool because benfica and liverpoll are the best teams, and i really hope that somebody starts to punish this mafia.
in my opinion the winner will be benfica or liverpool.
Posted by kinogomes: its so sad when it come here people like larrylaffer insulting people just because he is the only one in the forumj that doenst like football. some people is really stupid, i dont coment in the sports that i doesnt care, and call people fags cause they like something you dont is just a small head atitud.
now talking about the thread, i think uefa is puire mafia, honestly this uefa and fifa stuff its working for what they wanted. its a miracle that the 3 best teams will play each other before the final just to put a germanic team in the final, iam talking about benfica liverpool and valencia, wich are by far the best teams in quarter finals. iam sure the balls were boilling hot and this is not a coincidence.
i can afirm that the real final is going to be played in lisbon and liverpool because benfica and liverpoll are the best teams, and i really hope that somebody starts to punish this mafia.
in my opinion the winner will be benfica or liverpool.
oh larrylaffer what have you said, naughty person, i thought all the trouble causes have been banned
Joined: Jan '09
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Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 32
i hope fulham win it but it probably wont happen witht he squad size and amount of games they have got to play,wolfsburg are the dark horses,they won the german league last year so must be considered.
i support man utd so i hope liverpool get thrashed 8-0 home and away
Liverpool will play Benfica first and if they do go through this match then they will match either A.Madrid or Valencia... and in my opinion the one who will win that semi final match between those teams will win the competition.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 45 (M)
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After portuguese Sporting was eliminated, there is no quality team in Portugal with chances to win a cup like that. Ok, so Benfica is winning some games, but only with the help of referrees. I believe the reds from England (Liverpool) will take the cup with them!