ive just gone to login into my facebook and it wont let me, i know i did everythink right, so i went to my email and that wont let me in.............. so put in in forgot password finally got into my emails and they change my facebook password, i fucking shiting my self ..............sorry for the swearing ,
they could of change my poker site passwords ive just checked every thing and it seems fine, and changed all my passwords now............. my head is in bits how have they got my password it over 10 letters and numbers?
have i got spy ware on this computer how could some do this...............
what else can i do i need help fast any ideas please i really need them,
also they could use my ebay account my betting acount with my credit card on there, fucking hell what shall i do ireally need some help here guys
also could i have got a virus where they can get into my files?? i dont know
Joined: Feb '10
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Age: 44 (M)
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do you know if youve got any trojan horse in your pc? in case you got one the first thing you should do is format your pc. one thing you should do is avoid to receive files from other poker players that you can possibly have add in your msn.
Joined: Jan '08
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Maybee it was "only" your email account that where hacked... and from there they changed your facebook password. Do you have an active antivirus installed?
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If it was me, I'd do the same thing. first look for spyware, even if the software can't find anything, I'd rather format my PC to be shure. Good luck with that!
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Use good antivirus, I will recomnad kaspersky (have 30 days free use), it is a antivirus and have antihaker, antispam and other posibilitys too. Also if you use other antivirus install on your computer a Firewall. Also you can scan you PC from time to time with CureIt (from Dr Web), its free too and dont need to install, with this program a few times I find viruses wich dont see other antivirus programs.
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Why not just use Microsoft Security Essentials.. yeah i know it is a M$ product, but it has got good reviews, it doesn't slow your system that much and best of all it is free
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it must be some stupid bug in facebook that lead it to ur password being changed , otherwise why would anyone wanna hack ur facebook account when there are poker accounts . but to be assured format ur disk and reinstall
sounds like a keylogger, else someone who knows you/has access to your comp. A remote keylogger is often not picked up since they can mask the keylogging traits of a keyboard driver.. And if it was done lcoally (someone you know) then there wouldn't even be outgoing suspicious network traffic..
More often than not if it's email/facebook related, it's personal.. Without knowing anymore can't say much else, but shokaku's advice is spot on, change everything from a different computer/IP address.. and reformat your normal PC. A reformat is the ONLY sure way to remove everything
Posted by SuperNoob: it must be some stupid bug in facebook that lead it to ur password being changed , otherwise why would anyone wanna hack ur facebook account when there are poker accounts . but to be assured format ur disk and reinstall
unless facebook/email pwds are the same it is FAR more likely your email was hacked than your facebook, which is much more of a worry also. With a primary email account hacked, you can reset pwds for practically everything
Edited by jessthehuman (30 March 2010 @ 09:41 GMT)
Joined: Oct '09
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Seems to me that the most important passwords are your Poker accounts, no? Some of the sites have a "security key" like the online bank system we have in Belgium. Nothing safer than that! I fyou have the points, The full Tilt store sells one for 5000 points. I'd go with that if I had a serious bankroll on a site. Really, it's the only completely safe way. I worked as a system administrator for years, and all PC's can be hacked, believe me. Play it safe and secure your hard-earned Cash!
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thats bad luck i always use different password for poker and everything else.yes internet suck sometimes,facebook is a joke,thats the best place to steat information on the internet.name,address birthdate all you need to get credit cards galore.you could try a mac next time or give up facebook.change passwords monthly if you can.software is easy to hack,just depends what you want to do with it.send emails or talk to support on facebook and ebay so they know what is going on and could save you alot of hassles.paypal to if you use that.