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I was just wondering if anyone would be intrested a tourny for regular posters with a decent buy in of $10 $20 or something. would be good to play the posters and with a decent buy in so u dont get to many big donkeys apart fom me just thought i would see what u lot thought
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Posted by Flippedchips: I was just wondering if anyone would be intrested a tourny for regular posters with a decent buy in of $10 $20 or something. would be good to play the posters and with a decent buy in so u dont get to many big donkeys apart fom me just thought i would see what u lot thought
10 or 20$ ? You gonna stack everyone ?! Mob coul think about some more Tourneys for Mobpoints. A "freeroll" with x-$ if you pay x Points before. Could be in their interest. (becaus its my idea i get some )
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yea i just suggested a chunky buy in so its not a donkfest, $7 to $10 would be good so if u win its a decent win. I would prefer it on Pstars to but im not to bothered. Im not suggesting when this should be or anything just thought i would see if anyone would be up for it. I thought with a bigger buy in even donks may be able to hold back with the J2 suited and not burst someones nut when they rape someones Ks
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This idea comes up time and time again but so far no one has gone to the trouble of organising it. I certainly like the idea but it would have to be on ftp for me and $10 max as my bankroll doesn't support anything higher. To be honest I shouldn't really play over $5 but I do.
If you want to make it for BRM forum regs it's no good expecting admin or BRM to sort it out. Once you've got enough interest and an idea of what people want you'll have to set it up with a password on the chosen site. I don't know how hard this is to do.
Other than that we could all agree to play a certain freeroll but I believe this has been tried before simply for bragging rights. however it didn't really work and it didn't result in many regs getting that far since it was a freeroll.
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Posted by Flippedchips: I was just wondering if anyone would be intrested a tourny for regular posters with a decent buy in of $10 $20 or something. would be good to play the posters and with a decent buy in so u dont get to many big donkeys apart fom me just thought i would see what u lot thought
I'm the biggest Donkey It would be great this kind of tourney. My Donkey skills and Chuck spirit would help me taking ur bucks...
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That would be awesome to play in a high stake tournament only for BankrollMob members. This is a great idea, when shall it be implemented? I wish it comes soon.
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Posted by awood88: This idea comes up time and time again but so far no one has gone to the trouble of organising it. I certainly like the idea but it would have to be on ftp for me and $10 max as my bankroll doesn't support anything higher. To be honest I shouldn't really play over $5 but I do.
If you want to make it for BRM forum regs it's no good expecting admin or BRM to sort it out. Once you've got enough interest and an idea of what people want you'll have to set it up with a password on the chosen site. I don't know how hard this is to do.
Other than that we could all agree to play a certain freeroll but I believe this has been tried before simply for bragging rights. however it didn't really work and it didn't result in many regs getting that far since it was a freeroll.
thats why i dont want a freeroll because i dont want it to be a donkfest. I think the best place would be Pstars or Fulltilt but im not sure but i think u need a certain member status to set up a private tourny, I dont have this so someone else would need to set it up. Good to see intrest in this and most agree with a decent buy in as its makes u want to win more
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I've done a little research into this and as far as I can figure out there is no member status required to set up a private tourney on full tilt. It is in their interest to set up as many private tourneys as possible although I imagine you'll be taken more seriously if you have been a member for some time. They would want to avoid time wasters.
According to an email I found posted on another site to assist with such a request FTP ask that you contact [email protected] directly, with the following tournament information:
Name/Title: [needs to be short enough to fit] Buyin: [like $5 + $.50, or $10 + $1] Game: [usually Hold'em] Limit: [usually NL, but could be Fixed or Pot Limit] Password: [up to 15 characters] Date: [Please realize that it may take up to 4 business days to process your request so please do not set a date too close to the date of your request] Time: [according to the ET time zone] Amount of minimum players expected:
All it takes is for a regular fulltilt user to email them after having determined thee details. I imagine there are similar possibilities on pokerstars.
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Age: 43 (M)
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Posted by awood88: I've done a little research into this and as far as I can figure out there is no member status required to set up a private tourney on full tilt. It is in their interest to set up as many private tourneys as possible although I imagine you'll be taken more seriously if you have been a member for some time. They would want to avoid time wasters.
According to an email I found posted on another site to assist with such a request FTP ask that you contact [email protected] directly, with the following tournament information:
Name/Title: [needs to be short enough to fit] Buyin: [like $5 + $.50, or $10 + $1] Game: [usually Hold'em] Limit: [usually NL, but could be Fixed or Pot Limit] Password: [up to 15 characters] Date: [Please realize that it may take up to 4 business days to process your request so please do not set a date too close to the date of your request] Time: [according to the ET time zone] Amount of minimum players expected:
All it takes is for a regular fulltilt user to email them after having determined thee details. I imagine there are similar possibilities on pokerstars.
I just checked it out for Pstars and i can do it on there but maybe we should do a poll and see where people want to do it and need to work out when. I think next week woud be better as then it would give people who have not been on a chance to see this thread
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Age: 36 (M)
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Posted by duck_1991: you should ask BRM if they want get involved ... maybe add some money to the prize pool ? :-??
While it seems absurd to turn down added money this is not such a good idea. It makes things more complicated when a simple private buy-in is sufficient. Bankrollmob have no reason to create such a tourney without advertising it to all brm members and I believe what is wanted by most of us is a tourney for forum regs only. The money for the freerolls I believe is a promotion with full tilt and full tilt have no incentive for adding money to this either.
Furthermore, we don't need any more incentive for members to join this private tourney other than a competition among friends and we don't want any reason for people to hi jack it or invite the world and his neighbour.