Who will win the World Cup, heres just a few, I will add more if you want me to.
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Hi I haven't posted for a while now but I just want to know all your views on who you think will win the world cup, i'm from England and think our team can go quite far if Rooney doesn't get injured ! Really hope he doesn't, does anyone else think England have a chance ? All views welcome, I can't wait until it starts ! Peace out fellow Pokerheads and thanks for your time
rooney is injured................. and i dont think he will be fit or on form to play at the world cup
fergie rush rooney back and now he even worst than b4 will take awhile for him to come back, the scottish bloke had fooked up rooney good and proper, should not of played him when he was still injured........................
I'm for England too, Rooney's recent injury is a big hit of course... Eng is very very unlucky... they always have someone important injured at the wrong time...
If not Spain is the team to beat for sure... what about Argentina? Messi can win this world cup on his own
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Yeh but come on, maybe he is slighty injured, on the news today it said he will be fit again in 3-4 weeks which is good unless that stupid Scot plays him again when he shouldnt, you speak sense though Dozn01, Spain is a good shout also DaMessiah with Argentina .
I have you set up a poll so if you want to take a vote, feel free to do so. Good luck on the tables people ! Peace out.
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ENGLAND.... the only hope..... I do hope they do well this year as its been a miserable few years for us England supporters. My little bro wont watch England play at my house as the last few time he did they lost, and he does take it to heart so much... he really gets into it and feels the pain. I find that very funny even thou i am a supporter. If you could see his face when they get knocked out of anything... its a picture, you'd think it was him playing. Misrible git...LOL
Posted by xxxbchxxx: ENGLAND.... the only hope..... I do hope they do well this year as its been a miserable few years for us England supporters. My little bro wont watch England play at my house as the last few time he did they lost, and he does take it to heart so much... he really gets into it and feels the pain. I find that very funny even thou i am a supporter. If you could see his face when they get knocked out of anything... its a picture, you'd think it was him playing. Misrible git...LOL
have you ever thought he placed a bet on England to win , maybe thats why he gets so upset when they lose
and then you get upset because you have just found out hes used your credit card and maxed it out
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Only 1 team needed in this poll England :} Rooney should not have bben on the pitch, it was obvious to all this would happen, Ferge should get a knuckle slapping. But we are OK for now think he will be back just when we need him.
Your football's knowledge really makes a deep impression on me, man! I'm not a big fan of Spain team but this year I will support them because Puyol, Xavi, Iniesta, Pique and Busquets
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lol this is to funny the stupid scot hahaha, u lot are always stressing out about something at these world cups, rooney will be fine for the world cup and if u lose it will be fergies fault COME ON ARGENTINA!!!!