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The 'rake' is the amount the poker room removes from each pot, as a fee, for hosting/offering the poker game. The amount taken from each pot varies by limits, but is generally anywhere from $1-$3 on average per hand.
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my suggestion is that you should only play in a site what offers a decent rakeback. it is really stupid to play without a rakeback cause you are losing so much money in long run. i have found out that the best rakebacks are on ongame.
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nice and informative info's a definition of rake- "devils invention to make you go bust quicker than you say eijaflalakodajokudli"...i like to play with friends on stars home games platform- we play for virtual cash, but at the end of the day according to results we pay the real cash to the winners...cheers to no rake
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For Cashgames, 5% contributed rake of the pot is normally at the low stakes. In SnG´s, some networks like iPoker and Ongame want 20% fee- a lot. Better are networks like entraction, they take 5% fee in SnG´s.
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On Pokerstars they have change the rules for rakeback.VPP earn just players who contributed to pot some amount Policy of rakeback didnt change the MTT and S&goes VPP earnigs
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Was asking about this the other week and a fellow Mobster attached this thread to my request. Good information for someone like myself. Printed this one out and put in the folder. Nice thread doz!