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BankrollMob Forum » Off-Topic » Moneybookers for paypal

Moneybookers for paypal  0   
I have 53US$ on paypal and just need 50$ on moneybookers OR neteller.
I will go first to trusted users of the community and send as a gift on paypal.

Thank you very much. If you want to know my msn is *removed*

Edited by Administrator (24 May 2010 @ 07:20 GMT)

How I know, the rule of this forum dont allow post here your mail. And second Monebookers dont alow exchenge money with other e-walets, if they wil catch you, your acount at Moneybookers will be blocked.

sorry did not know that then closing thread. Did the swap for 42$ to 47.50
Worst trade ever, sent 47.50 as a gift then he asked me to claim and cancel through claiming it was unauthorized acces Aww crap! then i couldnt cancel and he couldnt refund and money was being held by paypal so i ended up selling the pp account to him.
Black market it just fails

i dont get it, why not paypal -> your own bank account -> where ever you want it

Posted by jessthehuman:
i dont get it, why not paypal -> your own bank account -> where ever you want it

Or Pay pal - pokersite that takes paypal.
$5 for all that hastle.

B1gfoot, the only site that takes paypal is pacific poker, if i deposit on there can I instantly withdraw to moneybookers or neteller? how much time would it take?

i can help you out 53$ paypal for 50$ mb or neteller.

allready member from 2007 so think i'm safe Smile

Posted by diablox5:
i can help you out 53$ paypal for 50$ mb or neteller.

allready member from 2007 so think i'm safe Smile

lol, you may be a member from '07 but this is your first post !

I never used Paypal because i heard that you need to pay, but i want to create an account at neteller

Posted by dorinba:
How I know, the rule of this forum dont allow post here your mail. And second Monebookers dont alow exchenge money with other e-walets, if they wil catch you, your acount at Moneybookers will be blocked.

why are messengers forbidden? Dont get it....
ah, got it... kind of collusion?!

And you can give your money from moneybookers whoever you want... if the same person decides to give you some money on Paypal, just a funny incident....

Somebody stepped onto an acquaintance's of mine account on the night of All Saints' Day, without a wrong password and the money was transferred **email removed by admin** onto a title. Since then this e-mail a title was banned, i mean when I wrote it in again, that sends 0,01$-t and the comment wrote a couple of beautiful words for him into a heading, but issued it with a sick-note already, that not registered.

To MB ointment, sure that's him my account was banned immediately, got a scheme letter from them when he was not a penny already on him and sent his documents. Not very much entrusts in him, but managed to recover somebody's money maybe already and shares his technique with us.
Did not manage to retrieve it unfortunately. Sad Sad

Edited by Administrator (08 September 2010 @ 14:07 GMT)

guys this is simple. my advise, withdraw the money from paypal then use it to deposit to moneybookers. simple, safe and secure. if you have a friend that wants to buy something using paypal then offer him your paypal money then create a MB account. you can deposit thru MB using bank transfer.

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