Who has the best new player programs and frerolls ??!
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Joined: Mar '10
Location: Croatia
Age: 75 (F)
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Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
Joined: May '10
Location: Philippines
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 104
Wow, I didnt know they had a depositor's freeroll. I would really seem that Full Tilt is improving their share of the market. This is a big step in the RIGHT direction.
I hope more of us will be able to do what the original poster did.
Joined: Nov '09
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Age: 51 (M)
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Posted by NetFlAsH: Fantastic new player feature after my opinion ! I went out with QJ suits after 3 hours play. But not so bad cause my bankroll went from 0 to 1500$
Recommends Full Tillt,s new player program too, awesome stuff guys !!
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
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Posted by NetFlAsH: Fantastic new player feature after my opinion ! I went out with QJ suits after 3 hours play. But not so bad cause my bankroll went from 0 to 1500$
Recommends Full Tillt,s new player program too, awesome stuff guys !!
Someone know any better anywhere ???
Pokerstars was a lot bigger first depositors freeroll...
Joined: Oct '08
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Age: 50 (M)
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yes, 100-150 players is a "OK" amount on players to try to play serious poker.
anyways 96 players in such a big pokerroom sounds like a first deposit freeroll...i hope not though because then i might consider to deposit although i dont like FT that much congrats...and let us know if you find out if its for first depositors or not.
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Posted by schwabo: Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
------------ Hi.about what you are talking,about freerolls after your first deposit and how do you mean from 0 to 1500$,that you do in one day or what?
I didn't understand your question: can u repeat it once again please?
Joined: May '09
Location: Argentina
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 71
You were lucky to find that tournament. Once there was a freeroll for argentinian players on Poker stars, first time there were 40 players and a prize pool of 2.5K next time there were 900 and then it capped at 10K players. It is just good luck that you are scandinavian.