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i am satisfied with my play:)  0   
i had 2nd place in over 2k ppl tourney. pity that wasnt some 1-5$ buy in but freeroll Big Smile

as it occured if you are a big stack, or as i was a huge stack you have very good percentage to win the tourney Blink

Wow that's crazy. Ya placing that high with 2 k people really good. I too find that having a big stack for the portion of a long tourny really helps. You can relax and afford to bluff/ call what ever. You play much more composed and confident. Getting a big stack early really helps.

actually i forgot about the tourney. when i've opened ftp software the tourney popped out and i had 500 chips. after 20minutes i had 50k chips... then it was just normal tight play. i had some luck. tywice had quads (k,2), few times limped pocket AA and get some nice reward from raisers. it was very nice3 tourney but pity that not turbo so was long time to play. my best winnings on ftp were also 1st of 180 in turbo .net, or .com tourney(freeroll, old days i get 100 ftp points). i also was once second or 3rd on bankroll mob freeroll (11$), few times daily dollar(first hundred 11$ not so hard in my opinion), and biggest tourney which i participated was big 50k or some record number of ppl, when i made 95 from 5$.

now when i'm bankrupt(wife's fault Blink), i'm rebuilding my bankroll with freerolls. also very nice freeroll to daily dollar. i just unregister and have 1 buck Smile

how long you play for on those tourneys?

Haha, nice work ! lets do the same in the 750K Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up and there you will have all mobsters like that :
Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship

Sounds like it was a donkfest tourney at the first hour of the tournament...

And you survived that? LOL nice play, but you know... I am never satisfies with my own play even if I won the tournament... I mean nobody can play perfect from start to finish.

thats just lame ... 25$ prizepool :-?? why people play in those freerols ?

very good result, My greatest achievement was freerrol 3rd place 1500 players = 15$
Big Smile
Successes continue, regards Thumbs Up

Posted by duck_1991:
thats just lame ... 25$ prizepool :-?? why people play in those freerols ?

SOme players prefer rebuild their banckroll or just build it without deposit any money, from zero, thats why they play freerols.
franciszek good job and from my experience you haved a lot of luck, becouse you need a lot of luck to win in freerols with a lot of players.

You can be satisfied with your game, but not with the price pool. Just over 5 bucks for first place in a 2000+ player tourney? Shame on Full tilt.

its good to do well with so many people, but it hardly seems worth it for just a $5.38 first prize

Playing freerolls is a perfectly good way to build bankroll. The only downside is the amount of time invested to get a few bucks. Keep plugging away until you build bankroll for higher stakes! Thumbs Up

Posted by franciszek:
i had 2nd place in over 2k ppl tourney. pity that wasnt some 1-5$ buy in but freeroll Big Smile

as it occured if you are a big stack, or as i was a huge stack you have very good percentage to win the tourney Blink

yeah, when i got me really deep, it are freerolls only.. in big tournaments i´m not even able to cash... (besides yesterdays freeroll on FT with 20.000 pol. Got me at least 80 bucks)

and the result ??? Was you able to go ITM ? and how much did you win ? Please let us know Blink
Ok, now I understood; compliments Blink

nice result, seriously.

But umm.. WHY THE FK would you play that, knowing you can't actually win a real prize??? WTF? LOL

you suck hairy balls

Posted by pricea:
you suck hairy balls


nice win always nice to come in top 3 in these big tourneys! Thumbs Up

haha, i was reading the subject and coming up with something witty like "the day you are finally satisfied with your play is your losing day" or something like that...but it doesn't apply so...f**k

I hate my play, even if its a winning play.. and you, well you should hate your life, no just kidding, if you play for fun it's good to win something, even if it's $1.. I just dont understand, there are tourneys running for 10cents and 25 cents and whatever CENTS on many pokersites, why not just play those? Maybe one day you can buy yourself something nice with all the small winnings combined+those tourneys dont last so looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!

nice result but i think its quite time consuming playing those freerolls with so many people where first prize is 5$, i think it may be a better idea playing at a small site. gl rebuilding your bankroll and next time keep it away frm wifey Tongue

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