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Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22902
go spain go !they have to back people good performance,beacuse of that poor play with chile and last 30 minutes without attack!so today no more calculations and play some football!
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Argentina
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 98
I think Spain will win .. It will be a great match, both have great players Great duel between Villa and Cristiano. Ah and stop Cristiano look at the stadium screen
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Portugal
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 998
Today is the day, the day that one more time a small country named Portugal is going to challenge the fifa mafia, the day that one more time Portugal is going to make the Spanish arrogance eat theyr own words, the day that one more time we are going to show why we are Portuguese and not Spanish, because we never surrender.... we are Portugal.
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 2805
it will be draw at the 90 min final at will be the extra time and also hope will be penalty kicks and also portugal take the big win spain goes home and be unhappy
Joined: May '08
Location: Germany
Age: 60 (M)
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Besides Germany-England the highlight of the first knock out round. Torres aren't back to his form after his surgery, so i guess Portugal can make it. But it will be a close match.
Joined: Feb '09
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 100
Posted by fini: Probably Spain FTW!
This - and your 5 other "messages" are surely the most blatant attempt EVER to tag some pointless comments at the end of old messages in order to earn some easy MobPoints.
Admin - please feel free to delete any MobPoints I have earned for posting this message.
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Portugal
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 998
Guys relax. its true the match os over, and the spain won with an offside goal, and spain have a better team than portugal either, but we can still talk about the after game.
BTW the comments telling that Spain will win after the game should be deleted.