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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » fulltilt connection problem

fulltilt connection problem  0   
Damn I lost my connection to full tilt and now I can't reconnect. I was in the middle of a tourney. Is this a problem for everyone or just me.

Same for me, was on a break, wanted to play more and can't connect

Same here

Posted by awood88:
Damn I lost my connection to full tilt and now I can't reconnect. I was in the middle of a tourney. Is this a problem for everyone or just me.

i guess its the site, i couldnt connect either.. Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

can the administrator explain something as to what happened to fulltilt Question Question Question

Edited by oliver082298 (09 July 2010 @ 01:55 GMT)

It says on the fulltilt site that scheduled maintenance is in progress but if this was scheduled I don't see why they were running tourneys as normal without any notice just before the interruption. So my guess is there was a problem and they are trying to sort it. Hopefully everyone will be refunded.

Posted by awood88:
It says on the fulltilt site that scheduled maintenance is in progress but if this was scheduled I don't see why they were running tourneys as normal without any notice just before the interruption. So my guess is there was a problem and they are trying to sort it. Hopefully everyone will be refunded.

did they say if when will it be done... Question

Haven't tried to play today so I couldn't tell u if it's affecting North America.

Still can't play Sad

DO NOT uninstall, you will be wasting your time like me

Full tilts clock on the main page was wrong time, was 12 hours off

And in the Ironman promotion page wasnt counting what points were already saved, this is the most important thing I believe as they couldnt let the day reset without fixing this, they screwed up royally on last nights system redo, they changed a lot and messed up so I figured they would fix late at night but just cunt off on me, im thinking its been like 3 hours now

hopefully it comes back up soon

Oh I dont know why but I have a feeling this may be a very long outtage, my guess is 24 hours, hope not but I just have that erie feeling

is this a sign that its coming to the end of the world soon,
all the networks are down first ipoker serverlast night now full tilt,
then theres be bad weather thrunder storm etc, 2012 doomsday???,

naaaa sorry just british connection service is crap and so is the weather Big Smile

Connection is working again now. I was refunded my buy-in plus a percentage share of the remaining money. Unfortunately since I was shortstack and it wasn't long into the mtt I only got an extra 74 c but it seems a fair way of dividing the prize pool.

Hello everybody!
Ulala is too boring to be cut open in a tournament. Fortunately this is very rare that one is repaid.
See you soon for new posts lol! Smile

Hello everybody!
I cannot be attached sometimes FTP re. I was able to enter first, next thrown down, I cannot enter already now. Did somebody walk similarly? I hope for it because of that the system improves soon.
2 of his months I use the side, but will be increasingly better. Smile Smile
hi for everybody ....

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