It's nothing new that the poker giants Tom "durrrr" Dwan and Luke "_FullFlush1_" Schwartz don't like each other. For over a year both of them have been trash-talking each other in poker chats and interviews. However, it's probably the sandwich thief Luke Schwartz who has been the worst trash-talker of them.
Every single time Luke has gotten the opportunity to talk bad about durrrr, he does so. F[...] Read more » Tom Dwan VS Luke Schwartz in new durrrr challenge
Joined: Feb '10
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Age: 39 (M)
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LMAO, Who the F is Luke Schwartz?
Now think how embarrased he must be if he loses to Dwan (witch in 110% sure he do loses).
And one more thing, I know Zigmund and Gus are also trashtalking, but thei are just pokng and are really great friends overall in real life. But to talk sht about one of the best HS players in the world and mean it seriously is pretty disgusting behaviour. Like really who the Fcuk he thinks he is?
Dwan FTW - I am going to enjoy it, when Durrr busts that pinhead!
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Missed out __FullFlush1__: ok eyeballs (at the end) Luke Schwartz talkes to everyone like that, he tyrs to tilt people, problem is he tends to do it whilst sat out. If it was PLO id say durrrr takes this easyily, but its NLH HU fullflush has a chance here. Did the PA challange end? - Is durrr now playing 3 challanges?
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Allways nice the trash talk Schwartz is a HS ''sandwich'' wannabee and i think Dwan is a big favourate in this one. But i like the challenge going on cos it dead abit lately.
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"I have such a big advantage against him and the rest of the world in NL HU, it's almost ridiculous. I will win more than $1.5 million against him. I will crush him." lol maybe against durrr he has ... he do not know me hehe than he would know where the bartl den most herholt (where the devil gets the apple cider from..)
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"I have such a big advantage against him and the rest of the world in NL HU, it's almost ridiculous. I will win more than $1.5 million against him. I will crush him." At least he's very confident.He probably made the biggest mistake of his life. I can't wait too see what he says when he's losing.