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this has nothing to do with Isildur, he is an very aggressive player , knows for sure something more than the average aggroDonk about poker, but the main problem he has is that he has no Bankroll Management.
And also it is stupid, to try to bet always the other best players, the aim should be to find the fish...
Joined: Jan '11
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A poker slut is an individual that feels the need to bet excessively while playing Texas Hold 'Em or any poker game. This person will "go all the way" whenever possible, betting his/her entire stack. Michael: Come on John, stop going all in! The game is no fun when you're being a Poker Slut.
John: But Michael, I have an unquenchable thirst for risk.
He is not a moron he is a very good player, you guys for even thinking that are idiots. he has made more money playing poker then you guys will ever see. He is very fast but he will not hesitate to lay down when he is beat. In addition if you have ever watched him he never goes all in right away he bets pot sized bets until he feels like all in is the play. Know what you are talking about before you state things you know nothing about!
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Posted by Aggro666: this has nothing to do with Isildur, he is an very aggressive player , knows for sure something more than the average aggroDonk about poker, but the main problem he has is that he has no Bankroll Management.
And also it is stupid, to try to bet always the other best players, the aim should be to find the fish...
really good post i think also in the same way its really true he was overrlly agresive and never use his cool brains then he start loosing he play more aggresive and nervouse and if no some luck in fishing process he just become the man with big zero
Joined: Apr '09
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I don't see him this way. I think this definition is more apropriate to those normal non-professional players who are used to play in higher stakes online and, when playing with friends at the weekend in some basement, like to do risky moves and often go all-in to show they are not afraid from their friends and to say they are better than them. "I play high online you know? This basement weekend games means nothing to me. I'm the best!"
------------ I don't see him this way. I think this definition is more apropriate to those normal non-professional players who are used to play in higher stakes online and, when playing with friends at the weekend in some basement, like to do risky moves and often go all-in to show they are not afraid from their friends and to say they are better than them. "I play high online you know? This basement weekend games means nothing to me. I'm the best!"
Joined: Jun '09
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The link was a JOKE since he doesn't seem to care about money and the way he plays and to get attention. But the poll is 50-50 so I gather I'm not far off. And I don't wanna hear I'll never make would he did because I'll never be a poker pro in this life time anyway lol.
Edited by crazyhorse99 (11 February 2011 @ 18:46 GMT)