Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 34 (F)
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I said I have done ! Mob safe cracked in 1thread I said that I will crack it in 1month Month ran and safe is cracked, thank u BRM for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND do not miss chance to crack safe too BYEEEEEEEEE
Joined: Mar '11
Location: Germany
Age: 56 (M)
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Lol, Grats to you Especially that you hold your promise to make it in one month. I guess you bought many shots all days before and waited until it reached $70
Joined: Jan '10
Location: Germany
Age: 33 (M)
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nice try admin. just make a mulit account and tell you cracked the safe... but I still won´t belive that the Safe is more than a romour and nothing that really can be cracked!
Joined: Dec '11
Location: Serbia
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 87
Its a bit interesting to me how people think the safe is rigged, i mean i am not saying that it isn't nor that it is, but lets be honest, with 3 numbers, and 10 ''numbers per number (yes i am counting zero) you have well.. A LOT of possibilites and only a couple of tries per day Not easy to guess it
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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Welll if you buy the maximum shots allowed per day you have for sure more chances to get the right combination. With 50 tries its one out of twenty so it is a huge improvement