Joined: Mar '11
Location: Croatia
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 1738
Hi! Im new here at BRM and just recently i got my party poker 25$ bankroll. i only have time to play around 1 hour/day so it became quite obvious to me i wont reach the 150 points mark. what then? lets say that i still have money in the end of those 90 days (hypothetically 50$ ) does it get removed or is there any way that i can still save it?.
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
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Normally what happens is the bonus side of the deal gets cut and any funds in your account are left (including the first $25), however to withdraw that $25 you would have to meent whatever the reqirement is, ie X amount of hands or X amount of PP points etc etc. So if you have $50 in your account after 90 days then you shold keep it all.
Joined: Apr '09
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Age: 45 (M)
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You will keep it, but you wont be able to withdraw it. However, you can always play with it in order to increase it. Everything you do besides the bonus is yours and you can withdraw it. There are minimums of course. Good luck with your game. I also play very few, for lack of time, but that doesnt mean i cant make a few buck now and then. Hey, its joining pleasure and fun with some reward from time to time
Yep same as above, if you have $25 now and you meet the required amount of points needed then anything after the $25 is yours to withdraw but in order to withdraw you need to make a deposit, i did it at action poker, met all the requirements, won about $1200 and couldn't withdraw it with not having a bank account lol
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The guys are right, you'll keep the 25$ or the amount you'll have at that date. In order to withdraw any amount you need to make a deposit first. The minimum deposit is 10 dollars. Also in order to be able to withdraw you need to have at least 100 party points. Even if you have spare time to play poker only 1 hour per day i think you should be able to release at least the other 25 dollars. Now it depends on which limits are you playing and your expertise. Even if normal bankroll managent wouldn allow it you can start playing at 0.2/0.4 dollars cash tables, the buy in is 1.60 dollars and if you know how to play pretty good you can make some nice profits. Good luck and keep us posted!
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Well that 150 points is not the hardest thing in the world to get in 3 months if you don't cut, Just do it slowly and play small stakes to not screw your bankroll. Would be good to try some Sit'n'gos also if you like to play tournaments starting as low as possible becouse sit'n'go variance can be huge, but they are obviously good way to generate rake=get points! Good luck with your goal!
Joined: Mar '11
Location: Croatia
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 1738
Thank you all for the replies . I thought that they would just put the account down to zero and that would be it. Even thought on steeping up my game risking higher limits but in this case ill just keep it slow and safe as so far. who knows, maybe it'll really be 50$ in the end.... hope for more thou