I asked Party Poker and they said im not eligible for this bonus. Heres my e-mail history with them. Start fromt he bottom and sorry if my english sucks
I have investigated this matter and found that you created your account from a link provided on an affiliate site of ours. Therefore, I will kindly ask you to contact Customer Service of the affiliate site via e-mail or phone call, and provide them with the account name and e-mail address you have registered with your account with us, so they can credit your account with the bonus they offer for opening an account with us. ______________________________________________________________________________
But I didnt use the bonus offer/campaign when i registred in 2009. And I dont need to have tracked your account to them upon creating it. And I havent used real money
what dont you understand? _________________________________________________________________________
Please note that according to our Policy, you can not create multiple accounts in order to receive another affiliate's sign up offer. As I already explained, the sign up bonus you were eligible for Facebook20 is already expired and what you can avail of if you want, is our sign up bonus offer.
In order for yo to be eligible for the BankrollMob affiliate's bonus offer, you needed to have tracked your account to them upon creating it. Since you already have an account registered in our system, you can not receive it. Moreover, one individual is eligible for one sign up bonus offer, so you will not be able to claim any sign up/first deposit bonus offer if you create new Party Account for that purpose. Please check the following link with reference to this rule, specifically point 4.2:
Do you already have a Party Poker account? As of February 2010 we can now offer this free Party Pokerbonus to users who already have an account with Party Poker, if the following two conditions are met:
-You don't have and never had a "real money" account with Party Poker, ie. you have never played for real money with your account.
-Your current "play money" account is older than 90 days and has been inactive for at least 90 days, ie. you have not played from it for more than 90 days
If both conditions are met, simply click the "Request"-button below and enter your current Party Poker accountname (do not create a new account).
Yes I can! __________________________________________________________________________
With regards toy our query, I'd like to inform you that according to our system, you have created your account back in 2009 and used bonus code Facebook20. However, this bonus is already expired.
Since you already have an account with us and tracked to a particular affiliate, you can not re track it to Bankrollmob and get their sign up bonus offer. You will not be eligible for receiving any affiliate's sign up offer as you have already have an account in our system and creating multiple accounts is against our policies. __________________________________________________________________________
Can you approve the verification sent to you by BankrollMob?
you just carnt win........ me myself had a problem with them which lead to them closing my account down , with money still in the account after i recieved the bonus i was gutted sent them loads of email never heard owt back , i wish you good luck in sorting your problem out, but dont get your hopes up about getting it sorted out
Joined: Feb '08
Location: Malta
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 60
We sometimes have very particular agreements with the pokerrooms that their support are not fully aware of. It is always best to contact our support instead of the pokerroom directly when it comes to bonuses at least.
Your account is now approved and the $25 is in your account ready for action.
Joined: Apr '11
Location: Romania
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 6669
I should have replied to this email a lot earlier. As the MobManager said you shouldn't contact the poker room since they have nothing to do with the payment they need to sent to your account because bankrollmob does the payment, not party poker, so in other words it's a mob thing Just for you to know from now on you simply need to follow the situation of your mob account here on bankrollmob, it's updated in real time and it never gives mistakes. Now good luck on party poker, i really hope you'll transform your current 25$ party poker bankroll in a huge amount, just as the person in your avatar and countryman from what i see on your location did Too bad you can't play PLO on party poker since the 25$ bankroll would only mean one bankroll since the lowest limit is 10/25 cents.
Joined: Feb '11
Location: Canada
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 1660
Third that bit about trusting Bank Roll Mob's support over the individual poker sites. Their support staff are often ill informed when it comes to specific offers.
Also, welcome to the forum Canaletes, hope you are successful with your no deposit bonus. By the way why did you choose your nickname?