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Hey loosekiddie, are you playin football now? lol
we can organizate a international friedship game.. My Brazilian Drunk team and friends agains your Poland friends selection team... what do you think?

Thumbs Up

Lol, we are playing from time to time, but only for fun. It would be sick to go somewhere to play with you, but I can't say that I wouldn't enjoy it Smile Maybe when I'll be playing on high stakes then we can do something like that, like BRM football league lol, but now it would be quite expensive to do so Big Smile

*ressurects his blog*

Well! My blog died, but my ressurection skill still works Cool Too much MMO I guess lol

So - besides moving to a brand new, bigger flat nothing changed. I still play at P* NL2 SH, most of the time 10-12 tables. I've had bad start to my journey on Stars, but now thing seem to be back on the track again.

From time to time I'm also playing good as hell MTTs by PokerStars Thumbs Up $1 and $2 only atm. Today I've played one already, I'm playing two other now and I'm registered to very funny tourney with time limit - I really like this structure!!!

So as for MTTs - I finshed 430 in $7.5k gtd (the final prizepool was $11.1k) and got $4.58. The last hand was pure suckout. I moved A7 from late position and got insta called by A5. So it was highway to hell - pf I was ahead, also on flop which came A22, the T on turn made the hand split, and the 5 on the river sucked me out of the tournament Aww crap!

Now I'm in $12k gtd ($2.2 tourney) and $1.35 KO (both turbo, I play only turbos). Doubled up to 10k recently QQ > A6s in KO, but the blinds are 300/600 ante 50, so I would like to double up again ASAP Smile I've got just a little bit over the starting stack in $12k gtd, but the blinds are 25/50.

I'd like to make some deep run in one of them (or both! Big Smile) because I've enjoyed my game in $7.5k gtd earlier on and I think that today I'm able to ship something - just need a little bit of luck Cool

Quick update. I don't have free time for myself which means I haven't played poker for like 2 or 3 days in a row. Today I've played $2.2 4-max 5x shootout on P*, but lost in 1st round AA vs. KQs in HU. I won't play cash today, but tomorrow I hope I'll find some time to:

- make new configuration in my Table Ninja (haven't used it for ages now lol)
- play at least one session (but I'd like to play two, 1h each)

And small update of my MTT results from 20.09 (I've written about it in my previous post):

$2.2 turbo x2: +$0.18
$2.2 15 minutes time limit: +$4.02
$1.35 turbo KO: +$0.85

Again I haven't posted for like half of a week, so it would be good to make some small update.

On the cash tables I've made my first shot at NL5 at P* and lost 4BI, the next day I've played some MTTs and cash and my roll is now like 22BI on NL5 and I'm back to the NL2 now. Today I've played one $1.35 shootout already, finished like 1.3k/5k (~700 ITM). I've doubled up in the first hand, then eliminated one short with QQ, then another in split pot JJ vs JJ vs random hand and after that I was totally card dead, the last hand was Q6 from CO with 2-3bb which I've had to shove, because I couldn't wait for anything bettter because of antes.

I'll be playing $2.2 quantiple shootout in a while, I like this tourney and have been ITM like 80% of time in them or something like that, but still haven't won anything more than the prizes for 17-64 places. So wish me luck, I could use some win in that kind of MTT Thumbs Up

looks like no luck in NL5 for you Sad but keep trying Blink
u need luck to win in these big tournaments and cant do anything when card dead, gl next time.
btw wht is a quantiple shootout ?

4-max quintuple* (I don't know why I've said "quantiple" xD)shootout is a 1024 players cap tourney, when you play... well, like a shootout tournament xD You play at one table, the winner advances to the next round, then again 4 players are playing and the winner advances to the 3rd round etc. etc. I haven't played yet in the tourney when the cap was reached, usually it's like 300-600 players (344 now, so in $2.2 it's $688 in prizepool). Whene there are 256+ players 64 places are paid, 17 to 64 the same amount (0.75%), then 5 to 16 (2.25%) also the same amount, and 1st to 4th get 16%, 10.5%, 6.5% and 4%.

Yesterday I had -6.5BI swing, I've played some hands bad, but also had twice KK vs KK and AQ vs AQ + my opponentes were hitting everything and I couldn't (well, had full house vs. quad once, so...). After that I've decided that I'll work with my stats in HEM today. I've found some leaks, few big ones, most of theme were small, but steal leaks. Tomorrow if I'll have enough time I'll play another session trying to eliminate those leaks.

hopefully it changes for you but sometimes the small leaks i perfer not to pay much attention to because it could just depend on the recent tables uve had but if its a long term one then yeah go for it!

another blogger start his job hope this blog was interesting and i ll try to read some part off it in not long future
just want to wish u good luck and have more good beats then bad Big Smile

Thanks guys! Big Smile

I haven't played today yet, but I will in like 1-2 hours maybe. I've had to work all day (still renovating my grandmom's house), so I need to eat something, chill out a bit, write down some things that I can't do during the sessions (related to the leaks which I mentioned in the last update). I'll post something tomorrow Smile

GL at the tables.

Yep, gratz for your last two mobdraw winnings (grrr). 190$ are a lot and a real good bankroll push Thumbs Up Dollar

Thanks DaCapo Smile

After my win in MobSafe I've decided that I won't play poker yesterday (I was a little bit tired after all). Also I don't know if I'll play today - I'm waiting for my MobPoints to be cashed out to Moneybookers (or should I say Skrill Big Smile). Tomorrow I have test in maths, so maybe I'll learn a bit but I'd like to play poker today so perhaps that's what I'll do later.

The new thrill of the Skrill (MB) Big Smile
And there are a lot of nice bonusses in the world of online poker and now you can trade the 190$ with the thrill of the skrill all over the world lol

Yeah, the thing is that... I can't. I don't know why the fck I've got locked outgoing transfers on MB (and I've done couple of payments, deposits etc. before) so I sent them the scans of what they wanted, but I thought they will solve it quickly ;|

Bump! Bump! Bump! Did you ever ride a wump? We have a Wump with just one hump. But, we know a man called Mr. Gump. Mr Gump has a seven hump Wump. So... if you Bump! Bump! Just jump on the hump on the Wump of Gump.

Hi LooseKiddie. I enjoyed your blog while you had it going, so thought I would "bump" it to the top again. If you don't feel like resuming it I won't bug you again. Greetings! Smile

I'm still here & watchin' all of you Big Smile I just don't have that much time - or, though it won't be nice to BRM after what they gave me, I prefer to spend my time doing other things than posting. But I'll try to make an update at least once per 2-3 days.

So, cutting the trash talk - I'm playing NL10 now. And still NL10 isn't nice to me. I don't have access to my HEM database right now, but I'm sure I was like -3 or -4BI last month, and now in December I'm -60bb or something like that.

One of the reasons could be the fact, that I'm playing 4, sometimes 5-6 tables instead of 16+, which means that I play less hands per sessions, which leads to higher variance. I kinda don't know what to do. I'd like to work on my game rather than mass multitable, but on the other hand I'd like to lower the variance, which I can achieve only by playing more hands. So I'd have to play longer or play more tables. The 2nd choice is better, but still I'd like to make more notes, try to read my opponents hands etc. etc., which I'm not able to do YET Big Smile playing 16+ tables.

But still I'm closer to stay at 4 tables. I want to do things fast, but in poker you need to be patient, so I think I'll play my 4 tables and maybe some day I'll jump to NL25 Smile

Good job with ur blog.. keep it up Thumbs Up GL

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