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wanted to say good bye :(  -1   
well we all know the worlds gonna end on december 21 2012 on my birthday Smile so some may think! and now theres a group claiming tomorrow night may 21st at 6pm my time were all gonna die Aww crap! Worship

just wanted to say good luck at the tables tonight dont hold back!! all money on the table no point in having a bankroll if were all dead tomorrow Cool

A loose-knit Christian movement is preparing for Judgment Day a lot sooner than you might think, after an 89-year-old retired engineer in California predicted that Jesus Christ would return to Earth this Saturday.

But for many others, the prediction has become a punch line that's too hard to resist.

The prophesy originates with Harold Camping, who founded a ministry called Family Radio Worldwide. In broadcast sermons he has been saying that May 21 would bring the Rapture, at 6 p.m. to be precise.

According to Family Radio's website, Camping discovered a mathematical formula from the text of the Bible that allowed him to pinpoint Judgment Day.

The last time Camping made such a prediction was in 1994, although things didn't quite go as he had expected.

However, Family Radio's website maintains that "the accurate timeline of history was revealed to true believers" only a few years ago.

"On May 21, 2011 two events will occur," the group predicts. "A great earthquake (that) will be so powerful it will throw open all graves. The remains of all the believers who have ever lived will be instantly transformed into glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God.

"On the other hand the bodies of all unsaved people will be thrown out upon the ground to be shamed. The inhabitants who survive this terrible earthquake will exist in a world of horror and chaos beyond description."

Family Radio has mounted an extensive campaign to share its discovery in North America and overseas. Billboards have sprung up from Colorado to Dubai proclaiming that May 21 will bring the end of the world.

The ministry has also organized missions to Iraq and Turkey, where volunteers are asked to use their final days on Earth handing out leaflets. RV caravans are also spreading the word across North America -- including one that will end its journey in Vancouver on Saturday.

But the sensation has also provided fertile ground for jokes from those who don't buy the fringe group's belief.

Jon Stewart took aim at the radio preacher Wednesday night on "The Daily Show," saying that "actuarially speaking he's probably not that far off," given Camping's advanced age.

On Facebook, there's now a "Post rapture looting" page that invites people "to pick up some sweet stereo equipment and maybe some new furniture for the mansion we're going to squat in" once "everyone is gone and God's not looking."

The comic strip "Doonesbury" has also poked fun at the prophesy, and countless "Rapture parties" have been scheduled to celebrate what organizers believe will be the continuation of life as we know it.

Well for all the retards that actually believe this is true and don't need their bankroll as they are going die tomorrow Smile Send all your cash to me Big Smile

For all those ignorant believers out there once simple question right now its saturday in half of the world and its still friday in North America so did I guess the world ended in Europe right now LOL

I just want to say:


predicted that Jesus Christ would return to Earth this Saturday.

maybe we should invite him for a good game of razz. Winner gets the upcoming kingdom Big Smile

Hey I have heard this on our national news this am. What a load of B*****ks. Anyway as a side thought my niece is due to have her baby soon, (Monday due date), and it is a boy!!! Does this mean I could be the great uncle of Jesus, if so does that get me a free pass to heaven? I wish I could just be lucky and win a seat to the main event at Vegas this year instead !!!! God help me............

GL to all you mobsters......................

Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

am not getting brain washed into believe its true Big Smile

In reply to jovicakralj

8Hrs left Im off to find Megan Fox.....Let God judge me for what I will do to here, im sure he will understand.

Good-bye everybody. People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries, this guy MUST be right. See you all in that big poker room in the sky, where aces never get cracked and bad beats never happen. Good-bye fellow mobsters. Sad

Posted by mahdrof:
People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries,

Exactly! They have a very bad trackrecord.

I am in fact so sure it won't happen that I'm taking bets, 2-1 on your money! Shock

If the world ends, I will pay you a 2 dollars for every buck you will give me if the world doesn't end.

Any takers?

Well my death was no way near as fun as expected...I find death a little over rated.
But I think God has rigged life, looks like he has tamperd with his random human genarator as I have come back as myself! Anyone else experiencing this Im thinking of reporting him to the FBI.
Odds are around 1 in 7 billion and I was not even suited, RIGGED.
Wish Id got a screen shoot.

Yaaaaaahhhhh, we need to celebrate!!!
Party song!

Is anybody on this forum from Australia or some other country where it is already May 22? I would like to know that the world has not officially come to any end and that all is not lost. Jess are you there? Speak to me please!

donno if everyone else is dead but i still got another 2hours left of life...another 30min left to my lunch break then back to 6pm (1:59minutes) my life will end at work (which i already consider hell) goodbye everybody Tongue

hope he feels pretty stupid tomorrow when were all still here! must have been a good bottle of gin he was on when he made that prediction

donno if everyone else is dead but i still got another 2hours left of life...another 30min left to my lunch break then back to 6pm (1:59minutes) my life will end at work (which i already consider hell) goodbye everybody Tongue

hope he feels pretty stupid tomorrow when were all still here! must have been a good bottle of gin he was on when he made that prediction Agree

It's amazing how many people trusted that guy about his profecy. As i post this message i should have been already dead i think lol
The crazy part is that so many televisions, newspapers and radios took his news and puublished this way he could get a lot more followers for his cause....
On the other hand i'm sick of all this people that come and think they know when the end will be, but i'm even more surprised by all of the people that trust them in their non sence. The funny part about this guy that predicted the end will be on 21th may had some followers on latin america that donated their money for his cause and advertise his announce.
Good luck at the tables lol

Posted by Macubaas:
It's amazing how many people trusted that guy about his profecy. As i post this message i should have been already dead i think lol
The crazy part is that so many televisions, newspapers and radios took his news and puublished this way he could get a lot more followers for his cause....
On the other hand i'm sick of all this people that come and think they know when the end will be, but i'm even more surprised by all of the people that trust them in their non sence. The funny part about this guy that predicted the end will be on 21th may had some followers on latin america that donated their money for his cause and advertise his announce.
Good luck at the tables lol

The worst is that tomorrow he'll still have ppl believing in him even thou as expected nothing happened. well... playing with probabilities, i guess somewhere in the universe a "world" ended lol, just not this one Tongue

Watch this one

Guess who this is ?

My son has a sense of humor just like me .

Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile


I read in the newspaper today that the world didnt end !! *phew* i was nervous when i woke up ...

well were all stilll here lol hope nobody took my advice and lost there bankrolls Confused

thanks for the Thumbs Down by the way if u dont like my post stay the f*** outta it just that simple Blink

Nothing happened last night, at least that i have had knowledge. I believe hundreds of people died last night, because that happens every day: natural causes, accidents, suicides, homicides... thats just the way it is, so we better do the best we can while we are around Blink just hope you all like my posts! And have a great day, and the others after too!

It was the end of the world number 1125152. When you type "end of the world" in Polish and you add not full year (e.g. 201, 202, 200) it shows a couple of years when the world should end Tongue The truth is that we don't know and we can't know when it will happen until it starts Smile

PS Isn't that ironic, that Christian radio owner says when the world will end "basing on Bible", while in Bible it says that "no one knows the day or hour"? Smile

Edited by LooseKiddie (22 May 2011 @ 16:03 GMT)

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