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Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 6714
Im actually concernd that in some threads rigtards have fellow followers, can all regular users please check for any rigtard symptoms, such as not understanding odds, long term stats or what the word evidence means, also note if you find yourself repeating yourself you may have eairly stages of rigtard syndrom. Rigtards fail to understand that its possable they are now playing better players (live to online rigtards), they fail to even think that an online player has a world of software at his hands exploiting his neanderthal game. All rigtards know that they will lose, IE "I never win with KK", yet none of them have the brains to say, lets stop playing KK or lets play it diffrent, "7-2o always wins" OMG you a friggin genius, then play 7 2o be a winner!
So a simple test to see if you are a rigtard......
Do you feel the need to hijack every thread with your conspiracy theories?
Do you want to let the world know of your great findings but fail or choose not to show any backing in any form?
Do you ask questions but never answer any?
Have you already been banned from all outher poker forums and ended up here?
Does the wife not give you any? Is that the real problem, 4/1 she is doing your best mate.
Is your perserverance only great at trying to prove something withoutbacking and lacks at the felt.
Are you just a kill joy?
Do try and distroy the fun for all outhers?
Do you offten say "this only ever happens to me online" but dont actually play live.(if a live player are you due a downswing?)
Do you feel that anyone defending varience is working for a poker site?
Do have a Poor understanding of basic math, this may shows in what you belive to be a sample size...Is not, its a single HH.
Do you play wrong drawing odds, implied odds, pot odds, stack-to-pot ratios etc etc, yet feel you should be a winner?
For those with slight symptoms please Stay rational, overpair vs pair AI pre will lose 1 in 5 dont panic!!
So are you a rigtard?
Each question is worth 1 point for each "yes", place your score in the poll.
Joined: May '08
Location: Sweden
Age: 56 (M)
Posts: 1362
As a matter of fact, I did not get any points at all!
Or, if I'm completely honest, I got 1/2 a point, but theres is no option for that in the poll.
That is, I sometimes, way too often, play wrong drawing odds, telling myself that there are some implied odds, when there is obviously not. (I have a flushdraw and he knows it...) I probably do this because I just don't wanna fold, I wanna play, fully knowing it is stupid. When I lose my money I whine about everybody always drawing out on me, and I never on them, but afterwards I am fully aware of my mistakes.
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 6714
Posted by onlinejoke: Sad.
By the way do you have any test results for long number probability, You know the conclusive test one way or the other?
------------ Sad.
By the way do you have any test results for long number probability, You know the conclusive test one way or the other?
Not only repeating yourself in diffrent threads, but now repeating yourself within a single post... Im not sure if anyone has ever told you but poker is a game of skill, LLN and its likes do not truly represent a game of poker as it would a game of dice...If I remember right the last time I looked over huge HH it shown that less than 1/5 of played hands make a showdown. Question to self, Why am I talking to you? Your convinced the earth is flat, what can we do, rather than you proving it is you ask outher to prove its not.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 4829
Where is the zero option of the poll? I was forced to choose "i don't vote" because of that missing option. But i understand what you mean. Most of times thare are always people answering my questions in a reasonable way, justified, but sometimes people like to joke and that should also be aceptable, if not in majority!
Joined: May '09
Location: India
Age: 38 (M)
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ok i had enough of this nonsense, its not funny anymore.....
to the obvious rigtards -
i login to this poker forum to read threads about poker strategy/ peoples blogs and jokes not some ridiculous retarded claims of online poker being rigged.
i dont giv a f**k about ur long term probability testing or any other test you want the sites to go through. if u want them to undergo it, go complain to the sites and knock doors of the concerned authorities or better hire a lawyer and make them do it but ffs quit your pointless whining here. you are not achieving anything by posting your nonsense here. if you want us to appreciate your efforts - you are outta your mind and if you want to help us, im sorry we dont want your help.
none of the regulars here will believe your conspiracy theories as most of us know poker is a skill game. theres much more to poker than just odds and probabilities that makes u a winning or losing player
i dont care if online poker is rigged or not, im a winning player at 5 sites and a breakeven at 3 and losing at 1 ( though i dont play much so sample size is bit small) . so you trying to say all of these sites love me and rig their software for me? huh I love the game and people like you are spoiling the fun of me and many others.
its your own fault if u think its rigged and cant beat the system.
and if u so sure you got your facts right, sue them sites and make millions of dollars for yourself.
but stop acting like you got no life by creating accounts just to bash the sites when you have no interest in playing them, noone is forcing you to play or deposit on site.
you can say you are being attacked for having an opinion but the way you been acting you deserve nothing less.
but honestly i think you might be having delusions of persecution or suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder ( need to post rigged theories) and need immediate help
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Canada
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 3208
well said supernoob! should be a vote in poll for complete ban of rigtards...donno why there wasting there timev on a ONLINE poker forum just to complain about it...should take up chess or somthing and drop there b******t