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Joined: Feb '11
Location: Romania
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 15
Of course it will be Barcelona - I'll be surprised if we even see Manchester getting attempts on goal in that match. Easy victory for Man Utd. No question about it.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 45 (M)
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This game is for Fergy, no Messi is going to mess up this final, you'll see. And Nani just came on the other day saying if he was english he would already be considered as in the same level of Messi and Ronaldo. I understand him, because, as a portuguese, is is the second best in the maximum, but if he was english there wouldnt be other in his position and England would have all the pleasure in giving him those highlights!
Joined: Jul '09
Location: Austria
Age: 34 (M)
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Manchester United have been outplayed by probably the best footballing team ever to grace a football pitch.. there's absolutely nothing disgraceful about that.. A few players of United just didnt turn up today and from there on ManUtd were never gonna have a chance. Love United, though a lot of respect goes to Barcelona!!
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
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LOL, 43% were deluded, MU had no chance. Great game, @Flippedchips it landed on heads Stay clear of Admin today, I get the feeling he might be a little grumpy and hungover, such a shame when people build up hopes... Heres some cheer up stuff... -Manchester United have won enough silverware now, if they melt it down maybe, just maybe theyll end up with a champions league cup. -I asked the Missus for a 'Ryan Giggs' last night, What's that she said, you wanna dribble in my box? Nope - 2 girls, 1 cup. -Manchester United's senior players have been critisiced for not performing how they should on english soil.. I suppose a few of them just prefer playing away.
And I will leave you with this one... Alex Ferguson was going to pull Giggs off at half time, but the last person who did that ended up with a super injunction against them.