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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » Things looking up at last :)

Things looking up at last :)  +1   
yes thats right i had a half decent night at poker at last Big Smile Cool Big Smile

it could be months since i had even a glimmer of a good night playing, its been a mixture of playing like crap and when i have been playing good i have got unlucky. As i think alot of you know i play most my poker at stars and it has been tough times for a while now maybe a few months.

I opened up another account in another poker site last week and got a little NDB for $5 just to see what it was like and i doubled it up then thought feck hit a few tourneys with all my bucks and got no where and went busto Big Smile All the same i like the look of the site with good tourneys and not many players which is always tempting to prob anybody who plays on stars Big Smile after running like crap again today i thought feck it im going to make a little £10 deposit on my new site and see how it gos so i did just that.

i started of in a 5/10 cent cash game 6 handed (BRM did not come into play Big Smile ) and started off not to bad left that room with 20 euros as thats what you play with on the site. I next moved on to 20/40 cent and did well in there built my stack up to 90 euros and then went a little insane and bluffed 70 euros away lmao Shock so im sitting thinking what a fecking tit lmao but i gave myself a slap and got my s**t together and grinding it back up and now im sitting at £128 after crushing the table Cool so i am chuffed with myself after my come back.

I was thinking i could do a little blog thing for a laugh. I have never did a blog of any sorts before but it could be fun as its likely to be a roller coaster and BRM will prob not be part of it Big Smile would anybody be interested or will i take the ride myself Big Smile I thought it could inspire me to not be so crazy if i have to tell my results of how things have gone Smile

For anybody watching dont try this at home BRM is the way to be a winner Big Smile Big Smile Smile

Edited by Flippedchips (16 July 2011 @ 04:56 GMT)

well done,sometimes screw BRM,if you were using that you would be say 30 euros right now.good onya,gambling pure and simple ,now you can manage the BR,or keep going.

up to £144 now Smile and cheers Thumbs Up

Posted by Flippedchips:
up to �144 now Smile and cheers Thumbs Up

nice one. And I agree; bankroll management is for pussies Blink Evil

Posted by jessthehuman:
Posted by Flippedchips:
up to �144 now Smile and cheers Thumbs Up

nice one. And I agree; bankroll management is for pussies Blink Evil

Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

i was going to jump up another level but im sticking to this 20/40 cents just now as im up to £215, im loving this site Cool me and bob killing the tables Cool Cool

Posted by jessthehuman:
Posted by Flippedchips:
up to �144 now Smile and cheers Thumbs Up

nice one. And I agree; bankroll management is for pussies Blink Evil


thats it calling it a day i am fecked now Big Smile but rounded it off at £300 ($485) not a bad night from starting with £10 Cool Just going to keep grinding these stakes for now, i think im maybe close to BRM now as i buy in with 30 or 40 euros maybe not BRM but close enough for me Smile

GL all hope you all kill the tables today Thumbs Up

You had a good run there.Keep it up.
Bankroll management doesnt hurt, but at least if you dont following it, try not to bluff your way with big amounts like you did Smile

I was reading scl's post and saw the screw BRM and for a second thought what the hell happened lol
My mind went first to BankrollMob Smile

I think all of us were tempted at beginning when we had under 50 dollars as bankroll to hit tables that are way up and tried to double the bankroll, but most of the times it meant the loss of the existent bankroll Smile

I tried it once but i was able to win a bit more and starting to lose but i plugged the thing on time and i was on profit with my out of brm experience Big Smile

Still this is a loosing strategy in time, so playing within the limits and grinding at the appropiate limits is the only way to grow your way up in the limits Blink

well who cares about BRM when you are only putting 10 £, and you did have a good run playing above the limits. doesnt hurt now and then to hit the higher limits if you dont mind losing few $ Blink

Nice going, congrats.

Glad to hear you found a site you like.
Nice going!
Going to follow your advice and play some smaller site next week. Blink

well done congrats mate, keep up the good work Worship Worship Worship Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

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