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As a few of you have seen i started of on a new site and i started off well getting myself up to £300, yesterday morning i got up to £500 but i had been up for ages playing with out sleep and it all started to go wrong yes i almost went busto from £500 all the way down to £23
I woke up last night thinking omfg but thinking f**k it its done now no point stressing, i did it already and more than capable of getting it back So i started the night on the grind in 20/40 cent room short stack with all my chips on the table it went well a little while late i had 100 euros more than 3 times what i went in with cut a long story short i have been crushing the tables all night and now my bankroll is sitting at £1041 wooohoooo thats all i can say lets see how far i can take this now i am feeling good, so the sky is the limit lol
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Variance will get you in the end if you don't stick to a good BMR system. Sure you might get lucky for a while but in the end if you play less than 20 to 1 max buy in ration at some point variance will get you. A hand you can't get out of or a hand you play poor (for whatever reason) Or someone will make a sick call and fluke a few.
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Nice rags to riches story, Id say keep it up but sounds a little risky...congrats. Now withdraw half put yourself back to £500 and go treat yourself, no point in having it if your never going to spend it.
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Posted by shokaku: Wow. Bankrollmanagement is for whimps.
The next Archie Karas is in the making. (Just stop playing, if you have made a few millions)
lol i didnt know who you that guy was just googled him, some crazy s**t $50 to $40 million thats just insane.
@ toxic, yes i know the BRM speech but to be honest i dont really care if i lose this just now, did it lots of times in the past lol at the end of the day only cost me £10. I am playing well and if i keep positive and dont hit uber tilt and get good sleeps, i am aiming for 25 buy ins at the stake i am at just now 1/2 euros with a 200 euro buy in. If i lose a few buy ins well just drop down a stake no biggie. Anyway point is i am going for gold and i well know the risks of no BRM, so no need for the BRM speech
@ bigfoot, plan is to starting taking money out when i get to £1500 while still building i think i can do it man i am feeling good
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On what site are you playing, i'm not interested in username but it really must be a profitable site if you could do this in such a short period of time
I mean it seems there are a lot of fishes from which you could take all this profit, on a site with many regulars like pokerstars for example, even with a good table selection you still get 2 or 3 regs on the table...
One more question, on how many tables did you play, i assume you also put a lot of volume in order to win that much in just a single night
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Wow Flipped, I'm flabbergasted. I don't even know what to say, what a roller coaster ride. So much lost and gained in such a short period of time, congratulations. I'm curious to where you are playing at. That said I've noticed lots here being able to make a lot, where as I seem to just be making slow steady gains, is just that you're taking more risks or do I have a lot more to learn?
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Wow, you managed to stay alive there. You got extremely lucky managing to get from 20 to over 1k in one session. Now you are up there control yourself and use BRM
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hey flipped good going bud,but like you say make sure you get the sleep in.... if your seeing dancing elves telling you to push your in a coma... but well done on waking with a feck it attitude,worked well for you and when your running good you gotta keep all mobsters...
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sick run man.. Sounds like you play a very similar "bankroll management" style too me.. Back in May I had my roll up around ~$3K.. Down to around $200 now lol.. But I do like you, sky rocket from $0-$100 up to ~$1000 in a day... Then boom $1K into $50 the next day lol..
It's a fun ride anyway..
I wonder if like my you say "once I reach $X I will start using BRM because I'll have enough buyins for the level I want to play", but then you still play over your roll and crash.. I recently built back to around $1.5K then 4-tabled 600NL HU my way back down to nearly nothing in about 30min at about 3am lol.
Posted by shokaku: Wow. Bankrollmanagement is for whimps.
The next Archie Karas is in the making. (Just stop playing, if you have made a few millions)
lol i didnt know who you that guy was just googled him, some crazy s**t $50 to $40 million thats just insane.
@ toxic, yes i know the BRM speech but to be honest i dont really care if i lose this just now, did it lots of times in the past lol at the end of the day only cost me �10. I am playing well and if i keep positive and dont hit uber tilt and get good sleeps, i am aiming for 25 buy ins at the stake i am at just now 1/2 euros with a 200 euro buy in. If i lose a few buy ins well just drop down a stake no biggie. Anyway point is i am going for gold and i well know the risks of no BRM, so no need for the BRM speech
@ bigfoot, plan is to starting taking money out when i get to �1500 while still building i think i can do it man i am feeling good
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Posted by jessthehuman: sick run man.. Sounds like you play a very similar "bankroll management" style too me.. Back in May I had my roll up around ~$3K.. Down to around $200 now lol.. But I do like you, sky rocket from $0-$100 up to ~$1000 in a day... Then boom $1K into $50 the next day lol..
It's a fun ride anyway..
I wonder if like my you say "once I reach $X I will start using BRM because I'll have enough buyins for the level I want to play", but then you still play over your roll and crash.. I recently built back to around $1.5K then 4-tabled 600NL HU my way back down to nearly nothing in about 30min at about 3am lol.
Anyways, good luck - who you keep building !
yea man i know what you mean, a while ao i built up a nice roll in a week on 2/4 and found myself taking little pot shots at 3/6 and 5/10 lol 5/10 i was pretty much even or up $100 or something lol. 3/6 i hit when i was drunk after i had my best night ever made $3k in one session. I was alll happy and decided to stop so i cracked open a bottle of JD and a little while later i was bored ended up drunk and crushed most of a $5k roll . to be honest that dont bother me now as whats done is done but because i went back on that night my best night ever never showed up on PTR. My best day there is $1800 i think but that night it was 3k .
anyway cheers man and the good thing here its a pretty small site and the stakes only go up to 2/4 euros so i should be safe once i get a nice roll
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Wow! That is quite the comeback Flippedchips! I have come back before from big deficits to post gains but your session really takes the cake. Your experience is a mirror of what has happened to me too: you know you shouldn’t be playing anymore because you aren’t sharp, you start to drift downwards and then you spiral. After you are down you pull yourself together, think about what went wrong, sit down and take it all back. Nice run.
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Wow, you really did a nice comeback, grats to you. For me, I am not able to play like this, I strictly play with a serious BRM. I addition, if I play out of my BR, I would play moneyscared I guess.
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Posted by Arithmajik: Wow Flipped, I'm flabbergasted. I don't even know what to say, what a roller coaster ride. So much lost and gained in such a short period of time, congratulations. I'm curious to where you are playing at. That said I've noticed lots here being able to make a lot, where as I seem to just be making slow steady gains, is just that you're taking more risks or do I have a lot more to learn?
Honestly Arithmajik, I have sometimes posted some fairly strong gains in my blog, only to have them disappear too. If you are making slow steady gains I think you are on a better track, and overall this is what I am trying to achieve right now. Slow and steady gains will get you somewhere over a year’s time, whereas endless up and down just gets you back to where you started a year later, or worse. Bankroll management all the way.
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wow 10 to 500 to 23 to 1000 nice run hope you dont bust though it wont matter much as you started from just 10 btw just wondering what you plan to do if you bust? you gonna again deposit 10 or a bigger amount? waiting for your next update