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Quit Moaning you Retards  +2   
OMG I am soooooo sick of coming on here to see people saying "my hand got beat" tough s**t Loser!
let me let all you complainers into a secret - it's poker ALL hands can be beaten!

I've been reading a thread this morning where one of these idiots has been caught out big style for the fool he is LOL - posting threads about RETARDS and DONKS playing hands he does'nt expect then saying the site is rigged cos the plank lost?

WTF man? Get a grip! stop moaning and learn how to play properly, I may not be the best player in the world but I can see from the replys to your big fat LIE of a post where you named and shamed innocent players - Bit you in the arse when he called your bluff though didnt it? Big Smile

so guys before you complain about bad beats from Donks and Retards I'd quickly just check your own retard meter first.

AA for King lol xx

Excellent post

Posted by xDINGERx:
OMG I am soooooo sick of coming on here to see people saying "my hand got beat" tough s**t Loser!
let me let all you complainers into a secret - it's poker ALL hands can be beaten!

Unless you are Chuck Norris or hold Royal Flush.

Posted by xDINGERx:
I've been reading a thread this morning where one of these idiots has been caught out big style for the fool he is LOL - posting threads about RETARDS and DONKS playing hands he does'nt expect then saying the site is rigged cos the plank lost?

Just a basic bad player, you will see LOTS more, wait until we get a die hard LNP rigtard.
Posted by xDINGERx:
WTF man? Get a grip! stop moaning and learn how to play properly, I may not be the best player in the world but I can see from the replys to your big fat LIE of a post where you named and shamed innocent players - Bit you in the arse when he called your bluff though didnt it? Big Smile

TAGS: Gripping, fucking, moaning, playing, fat, lies, innocent, players, arse
Posted by xDINGERx:
so guys before you complain about bad beats from Donks and Retards I'd quickly just check your own retard meter first.

Problem, they honestly believe they are playing good, its up to us to put them right, some will be happy to learn some will go against anything you suggest.
Posted by xDINGERx:
AA for King lol xx

Always nice to see a moan about a moan, is it that time not going there...walk away from the keyboard, just joking, you look great today, that dress complements your eyes perfectly, have you lost weight WOW your cooking is to die for...think I got away with it.

Posted by B1gfoot:
Posted by xDINGERx:
WTF man? Get a grip! stop moaning and learn how to play properly, I may not be the best player in the world but I can see from the replys to your big fat LIE of a post where you named and shamed innocent players - Bit you in the arse when he called your bluff though didnt it? Big Smile

TAGS: Gripping, fucking, moaning, playing, fat, lies, innocent, players, arse

and Biting Big Smile

Posted by B1gfoot:
Always nice to see a moan about a moan, is it that time not going there...walk away from the keyboard, just joking, you look great today, that dress complements your eyes perfectly, have you lost weight WOW your cooking is to die for...think I got away with it.

Always great to see a succesful recovery. Blink

Nice post DINGER.
VERY well said. Thumbs Up

Unfortunately, the "getting it" part is usually reserved for those who already "get it".
But who knows, some nitwit might just fall through the cracks and land on the "non-retard" side of the track.
Always nice to see someone trying to help the cerebrally challenged. Worship

There should be some rule which says that you must provide proof with your complaints otherwise your thread just gets closed Smile

I think its fair enough that people on tilt come here to let off steam instead of ruining their bankroll and tilting on the poker client.

I think it's sad you call them retards.

But not if its like 1739181023981 of those threads per day on average.
If they need to steam when they run bad,they have to work on their self management.
Besides,there are much more useful methodes instead of posting on a forum.

Who are we to decide how another person lets off steam best?

There should just be a section of the forum dedicated to steaming or tilting / whinging. A part of the forum that regs can opt out to see or not. Booya, happy days.

Thumbs up on that idea.
The same people who make topics such as this one, begging for acceptance could also post there, seeing as I find little difference between topics as these and the topics mentioned in this topic.

Edit: I can't thumbs up yet, don't have 50 posts, lol. Smile

Hah! Just don't forget it man! Blink

In all honesty, it has been tried a tonne of times but every seperate tilt/rig tard always starts a brand new thread entitled... something along the lines of

"I hate donks."
"PARTY POKER SUCKS LOOK AT HOW I GOT BEATEN BY A GUY WITH 13 OUTS WITH TWO TO COME OMGGGGGG" ( other poker sites and networks are available Tongue )

Oh well. There are idiots all over the internet, and BRM is no exception Smile

Hah! Too true my friend!! Nevermind, we all secretly, or not so secretly love the donks anyways, we rub our hands together and get the rod hooks and line out Tongue

Posted by Mark:
I think its fair enough that people on tilt come here to let off steam instead of ruining their bankroll and tilting on the poker client.

I think it's sad you call them retards.

the kind of responses ppl get here depends on thread they create.
no1 likes those kinda threads
basically if you ask a stupid question, you'll get a stupid answer.

and if someone creates a dumb thread to let off steam, most of the times he'll end up on super tilt from the replies.

Life quit mega rage tilt.

Yeah boring, a lot complain like that without discuss solution about that, but no need upset, lol
anyone have solution, please let us know Big Smile Big Smile

Posted by xDINGERx:
OMG I am soooooo sick of coming on here to see people saying "my hand got beat" tough s**t Loser!
let me let all you complainers into a secret - it's poker ALL hands can be beaten!

I've been reading a thread this morning where one of these idiots has been caught out big style for the fool he is LOL - posting threads about RETARDS and DONKS playing hands he does'nt expect then saying the site is rigged cos the plank lost?

WTF man? Get a grip! stop moaning and learn how to play properly, I may not be the best player in the world but I can see from the replys to your big fat LIE of a post where you named and shamed innocent players - Bit you in the arse when he called your bluff though didnt it? Big Smile

so guys before you complain about bad beats from Donks and Retards I'd quickly just check your own retard meter first.

AA for King lol xx

Wow, you haven't even been here for a month yet and you are already sick of those kinds of threads? Ever since Black Friday they are pretty much the norm here, along with news stories of big poker players losing and/or winning millions, getting drunk and making fools of themselves, etc. There are still good threads here from time to time, just gotta look for them more.

Posted by Mark:
I think its fair enough that people on tilt come here to let off steam instead of ruining their bankroll and tilting on the poker client.

I think it's sad you call them retards.

You should share joy with friends, not anger. No one cares about them being on tilt anyways!

Posted by TheMachineQC:
Posted by Mark:
I think its fair enough that people on tilt come here to let off steam instead of ruining their bankroll and tilting on the poker client.

I think it's sad you call them retards.

You should share joy with friends, not anger. No one cares about them being on tilt anyways!

I have no problem with letting off steam I was actually still laughing from an earlier post where someone was moaning they had been cheated and named the player involved - the player then came on - replied - and posted the ACTUAL hands and run of events and made said complainer out to be a total ass Tongue

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