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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » proper br management for 90man?

proper br management for 90man?  0   
im lookin into starting to grind some 90 man 25 cent SnG's on stars(yes i am a micro/casual player)

mostly because i dont want to make a big deposit so i wont go to cash tables and donk off a few hundred and just to see if i can beat that game and maybe move up. but about how many BI's do you think i should start with so varience doesnt kick me in the rear i was assuming around 50 should be fine but im lookin for other opinions plus i figure i should mention first place wins 23 BI's if that helps at all

leave some advice for play and good management if you can and wish me some luck lol
i'll probably need it because NLHE isnt my forté Cool

i think 100 should be fine if you are playing normal sng

15 minute levels? i think its a bit longer then normal, arent they usually like 10 minutes?

normal are 9-10 mins, dont know about star's format though
if you are looking for casual play i would recommend longer levels (> 7 min) as its less push/fold.
but depends what you are comfortable with - picking opponent's mistakes or better shoving/calling ranges and how much time you wanna spend per session.

anyway just my opinion i'm sure you will get better and more experienced replies from others

You could start off with 50 buy ins,there's still gonna be a chance that you go broke during a downswing.
With 100 BI you should be on the safe side

About your last sentence,it really doesnt take much to beat these games,just play really tight early,dont bluff,valuebet your good hands big and maybe get some push/fold play chart for later stage game (cause you will get shortstacked frequently if you play right).

dont bluff =0 arghhhhh its impossible ill never be able to do it Sad

I think that 50 buy-ins will be enough to play these 90 man SNG's, There is much variance, but with proper bankroll management you will survive the bad streaks.

Posted by Jibberish:
dont bluff =0 arghhhhh its impossible ill never be able to do it Sad

lol, you received some very good sdvice here, how is it you don't think you can play without bluffin?
If you follow the advice of BeMyATMpls, I'm sure you'll come out ahead. If you decide to donk rght off you may not be able to recover later on. Could take you up to 300 BI's to achieve what you could possible do with 50-100. I've cashed in some of these, mostly 45 seaters,...don't know your playin style...I must play my A game each and every time and even at that, doesn't always ensure success. GL and have fun!

Anyless then 30 buyins you should move down more then 70 buy ins move up
Starting with 50.

This is the system i always follow and seems to do me well

Lol @ moving down from .25$

If I were you I'd try the .50$ turbos. Just a bit more worth your time, faster and ROI is about the same, people there have no idea what to push is.

Holy Jibberish, that sounds like a huge field for a Sit n' Go doesn't it. I'm not to familiar with Stars, I know they have a lot of traffic but do they have enough to fill a 90 seat SNG reasonably quickly at such low stakes?

If so, best of luck.

I know from experience that the variance on sng is less than on mtt, so i would say 50 buy ins are enough...

Another major difference is that you need to play really solid, this way you can win a lot of times Blink

Posted by Macubaas:
I know from experience that the variance on sng is less than on mtt, so i would say 50 buy ins are enough...

90 mans are basicly MTTs..
You cant just use the same BRM for all kinds of SNGs.
50 buy ins ar enough for 6/9 mans,but the larger the field size the more variance (thats where the huge MTT-variance comes from)

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