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Age: 36 (M)
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Wow and now the people who are intrested pop online? This is so strange. But yes, I'm a man of my word if I promised 50% and i make 5000$ I will send you $2500,50
Joined: Nov '09
Location: Australia
Age: 38 (M)
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Hey everyone 2c 990 man on stars Please anyone Im happy to go 50/50 on profits Big chances to win big money this is a not to miss opptuney "Im asking politely so im not begging "
. . . . . . ..
. .. . . . Just so i dont get banned im not legit asking for a stake just taking the piss
Joined: Jan '08
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Age: 45 (M)
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Posted by B1gfoot:
Ye well I certainly understand people would think I'm a scam a begger.
Just a begger, but glad you understand.
Though I'm actually far from. I'm now going to head to a live tournament here starting in 20min.
Oh my mistake, I thought you understood.
It's not about me not being able to afford it guys far from.
I don't think anyone here thinks you aint got a doller, it is far from, thats what makes it so rediclus.
I just forgot to deposit on time. And offered a tremendous deal (in my eyes) to the player staking me the $1
But remembered to visit a forum to ask for a doller, very average deal BTW.
But now as it is against the forum rules I won't even accept it.
Like s**t you wont, but congrats on getting a grip on the rules.
And I would literally give my promise if I'd won (huge) money from the tournaments.
And I was going to send you the doller, but you wont accept it.
Lately there's too much scamming and scumbagging going on.
I would not know, not my circles, just wondering though, how much is actully enougth, rather than too much?
Tbh you guys are just promoting it to happen, you show so much hate, break everyone down who is polite (or begging as you guys see it).
Ohh yes, our own fault, I agree, give to random beggers you are promoting it, yer, because normall scammers are quite rude, thats how they manage to gain trust.(Its begging)
No wonder he'll scam people if he gets 100 hate comments thrown at him and 1 other guy actually do helping (with potential selfintrest).
Yer, why not, most people don't want/like to help, but that one guy who has my back, ill screw him, correct attitude, our own fault again I see ( helping and investing are two very different things)
90% of your comments in my eyes promote scamming, bad manners and such behavior so thumbs up for you guys in the community
So you see the comments and think, lets scam them, nice.
Special thanks to etna2007, for keeping it polite and having good intentions.
What intentions? Just hating on the haters, its a moral hypocrisy.
I do want to state "I do understand you guys for hating, but you should better just ignore than igniting this thread"
Yer, so you expect/understand the hate, but expect those who who effectively try to remove begging threads for many reasons to stay out, thats not an invite for others to beg is it, with potential scams.
Best regards, Setera
Best regards B1gfoot, GL at the game.
Seriously, your post is getting more and more stupid every day. Is your "popularity" going to your head?