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Wonderful statistic Micro, How your stats at Hero ? Is stats from Carbon or Holdem Manager ( or something like that ) ? That's stats compare your investment ( buy in ) and your winning $, right ? Not compare how many time you play and how many time you win ( prize not 1st place ).
I just saw you winning at Hero, not stats. Am I miss it ?
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Oh the humanity.
Ever had AA and instantly felt like you'd lose as soon as its dealt? Ever second guess known poker theory? To the point of writing a profanity laced diatribe about how some people shouldnt be allowed to procreate let alone play poker?
Oh the humanity i say.
Ever feel like you wouldnt get there? You have top pair with a flush draw to the second nut flush and a open ender and still have doubts? Ever read your opponent for weakness and saddle up a call only to be right but never more wrong? Oh how can i be so wrong?
Winning is contagious but losing is mind altering.
The bad run continues and ive been on defcon 3 the last 24-48 hours. Yesterday i had glimpses of the final table with a huge stack only to run into the same sized stack. The exact same hand on a gravy flop for a chop. Bang Bang the runners and my AQh's just lost to AQs on a A33 board with one spade. Im out.... 50k in chips gonzo.
Needless to say i will be looking to remove the "super tilt" from my name today.
Be patient and put it in good.
Posted by Serpang: Wonderful statistic Micro, How your stats at Hero ? Is stats from Carbon or Holdem Manager ( or something like that ) ? That's stats compare your investment ( buy in ) and your winning $, right ? Not compare how many time you play and how many time you win ( prize not 1st place ).
I just saw you winning at Hero, not stats. Am I miss it ?
Regards and Good luck, always
the image on the bottom of page 6 lists all my stats serpang on merge.
------------ 0/4 today putting it in good. I thought my luck had changed when i my preflop allin kk redrew 44 on the turn after the flop gave him the 44 a set. No such luck as i was ousted a few hands later by a river gut buster by some wacko with a 10k stack and no idea how bad a play he made.
Just now i lost with AK vs another super stack who finds a call with A7 preflop and turns a 7. Which hurts even mor because i made the damn play to get the stack and his loose calls out.
These retardos should be paying me. Not slaying me. I actually am at the point where if i do put it in bad im actually relieved. Simply because it can only get better.
Definition of tilted right about now.
Edited by MicroMachina (23 February 2012 @ 18:35 GMT)
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Posted by Macubaas: You promised you'll post a video with a short session of PLO cash you played on merge...
Looking forward to that video since i could give you some advice there
Did you played more PLO since that session?
I really was holding out till i could provide commentary. Ill record one tonight and post it regardless tho.
Alright i think, i hope, the runbad is over. My big hands were getting crqacked like eggs up until about an hour ago. Since then Ive been cutting em down like a ninja.
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Hey Micro! Remember the donk in the $300 that took you out then you wished me luck. Well, the very next hand I called with another guy on his 3200 chip raise. Bitch hits a straight and took both of us out also. Some of these guys that can call on poop constantly kills me. He called on 6,7 and hit. Unbelievable! All I had was Q, 9, but the other caller had A, 5 I can't remember the card with the A for sure, but unreal.
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im very sorry to hear that GM. yeah that dbag can suck my nutsac.
For those reading this a little background. I was sitting with 60k in chips and had only played ABC hands all game and like stated above was running good.
Then all hell breaks loose due to one pos player. They have 20k and blinds are still below 1k so i dont need to be hearing about pot commited or nothing. Anyways i get AQd in middle position and open for a 3k raise. This mongoloid flats me on the button. Ive just shown KK and AK within the last orbit as well. Not that they were paying attention apparently. Still they flat me and flop comes Axx. I raise pot not fucking around. They dive and i call. A8c. river flush. They sit around like a scared birdy a couple orbits and then utg opens for a min raise. I again have AQs. I flat them this time. Part of me is dreading AA KK QQ. The other part knows this player is garbo so i decide to call down.
flop brings an ace and me thinking they have Arag again reraise their bet on flop. They call. Turn brings a second heart. Still nothing to worry about im thinking. They cbet again. i raise again. they flat. checks river and i bet. she flats me with 84 hearts and a rivered flush again....
I went nutso about the play. LIKE FFS can they have played that anyworse? i mean the river call by them should enlighten everyone to how stupid this player actually is. I mean they fell into a flush draw on the turn holding 8 high and had no chance of winning except if the heart comes and when it does they just call?
The best part is the jackass wouldnt say a damn word but then after they felt Mohave with 6 fucking high they start talking trash about how they are soo good.
No skill coolers starting to piss me off. Instead of some dolt sitting with 100k and no clue i should be merrily on my way except for bad luck.
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I had a little aggression after you fell out to such a poop hand so that's why I called with my Q,9. Didn't think she / he/ it could keep hitting on trash, but was I wrong! I'll see you on the felts for sure and by the way! Do you remember that players name?
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------------ Looking at my .gif im thinking im due.
oh and so u dont think i think im gansta. i only put the mobsters up there because i saw the emote in another thread and wanted to post it here. Then i went to scope myself, ive already made a statement in my blog somewhere that i feel like i work on a certain cycle. Like i must be super lucky one day every ten or something because my graph is pretty consistent albeit over a very small sample.
so yeah it really was a coincidence i swear
Edited by MicroMachina (28 February 2012 @ 05:53 GMT)
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Hi Micro. Did you read Greenmohave thread today ? I got it many time. How did you handle situation like that ? Are we have to give up ? Is expert depend on destiny or luck moment to be winning player ? Shalom
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Posted by Serpang: Hi Micro. Did you read Greenmohave thread today ? I got it many time. How did you handle situation like that ? Are we have to give up ? Is expert depend on destiny or luck moment to be winning player ? Shalom
Yesterday for me i read it. damn time zones lol. I was gonna link my post in that thread to my blog because it is how i feel about things and its relevant to my blog i think since it has been a real struggle of late.
Today was as i predicted a Stellar day. I ran like the wind in my first game 1$ 400 gtd dazzler rebuy. I was in 11/32 when 30 were itm and i lost my internet. usually that pisses me off royally but i was happy to just run good and money. My connection returned but then i was forced to update a 14mb series of files which took another 5-10 mins which is insane amount of time for such a small file. When i did make it back i was greeted by a 6$ pop up telling me my winnings from the dazzler. Whats more i was loaded into a 45 player 2$ sng i forget i even entered. In the bb 100/200 with 650 behind i had KQ. sb shoved allin for 7k and i snapped him and his k4 off for a nice double. Next hand i get AK in sb and same guy from hand before dives allin for 6k on a unopened pot. I willingly call and snap his K2 off again. He flames me for it and im loving it enough to not even reply. Sitting with 3k i then pick up Q8c in the sb and facing someone with 7k in chips on bb i bet pot hoping to take it down but like my hand if called. He dives and after all the calculations in my head and knowing ill be super short just folding i find a call. A2 he has. i fill up and take the pot. the villain is pissed again but with A2 what does he expect right? i mean cmon i never reraise with A2 because it runs so bad against every hand other then AK usually. He should have saw how short i was. Ne ways i then get KK next hand and hold for a three way allin and after that it was easy to make the money. I did even better then i hoped and shipped it for a cool 27$.
I also played and won a couple sng freerolls for giggles because my net was acting up.
------------ Snow snow go away, come again in 295 days. Spring like day, snowy day, spring like warm day, freezing cold blustery day.
Ne hows.
Alright im just about to start my first game. Typically i play the "fast fifty" mtt at 11:40am est. This allows me to get my self ready and take care of any pressing matters earlier in the day. I know i have listed my daily grind before so i wont bother doing it again as its not changed. Ive also been supplementing my bankroll with 2$ 45 player sng's. i have been playing the 5$ variety but with my recent downswing i decided to consolidate where i could and 5$ is a bit risky as those losses can add up fast if you dont cash in them.
I never uploaded my newest videos onto my blog yet so ill do that now. Unfortunately there is no commentary. The first one is a video of me playing PLO4 x 4 tables. I hadn't developed any real system yet and play cash games mostly by feel. Not usually a good idea. Luckily i dont ever play real fast or loose generally but i know i made a crazy call in this video which i was lucky to win.
Secondly i shall preface the next video by giving some background. I used to love taking 5$ onto the 25/50 cent tables on Pokerstars back in the day. I would look for a short table and call down to the turn and if i had something because the game was so loose i would just c/r turn or let it go and i would often get this up to 15-20 and even 50$ a few times. Then i would go play 55$ sng's which was just as silly. No management to speak of. I swear its the only thing holding the ship together at times.
In the video there is a player named Iceman, he is a real nice guy and ive known him since my first day on Hero. I know him also from another site and when i saw him in the game i was hesitant to record and was planning on blurring his name. I blurred his stack instead but then when i told him he said it was fine whatever i did. So thats why his stack is blurred.
Edited by MicroMachina (29 February 2012 @ 16:39 GMT)
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Oh Boys!!! What a fun bit of poker ive been playing the last 12-16 hours.
So i was sitting in a 25/50 cent cash game and made a couple bucks. For some crazy reason i decided to take that money and play with it in a higher game. I settled on 1/2 limit. Which ive only ever played IRL(in real life).
The table i chose was nice statistically in that it had +60% of seeing a flop and good pots. The game was just like i remembered .25/.50 being on stars. Fast and loose. I waited for nice starting hands at first but soon enough i was playing 56 for a raise and betting every button hand. I didnt come up with these plays, they were quite common on the table so i figured i would emulate.
At first i went down to about 94$ and then hit a miracle turn to give me a str8 and i took down a nice pot to put me up. Then i ran the table like a boss and was never getting raised. Which tells me they respect my showdown value. Which is good for me. I called many hands preflop and would only reveal my hand on turn by c/r and this made the others cautious. At one point i was up to 180$ and then i got AA.
I am button and utg raises to 2$, next to act raises to 3 and i make it 4$. BB calls and utg and +1 flat. Flop comes
Q K 2 BB bets and we all come along.
6 is the river and now im torn. I bet he doest have a boat and is bluffing, he had pulled some big ones off earlier.
He shows QQ and i lose almost all my winnings.
The good part is i kept being able to make the chips back and the only time i would lose was when i went against my gut and held onto the hope my hand was still good. If i can get rid of that i would be loving it. I finished up around 40$ and over 300 vips in points earned for the time period. Around an hour or so i think.
Today i tried it again with less success. I made a video of some of the play today and will upload it shortly. I also want to upload my mtt video but i reproduced it because i wasnt happy with the first one i did.
I was secretly hoping i would get quads cracked and collect that 230k in bad beat jackpot.
------------ oh boy that sure went real bad real quick. 4 hands with over 60$ in the pot and the villain hit the one card in the deck twice and the other two times was less then 7%.
As a result of bad brm and either bad play or bad luck i managed to blow half my Br today. Oddly im not upset and the feeling of stupidity doesnt sting so bad. More then a few times i nearly doubled up on a table only to lose it back. I really feel like if only one of those 4 hands held things would have been different but im still alive and lesson learned.
Boy would it have been nice to sponge up that bad beat jack pot tho.
Edited by MicroMachina (02 March 2012 @ 21:41 GMT)
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Hi, Micro. Thanks for video. but that's not your good or best performance , I am sure ! I just watch holdem cos I don't understand omaha.
I don't know your cash game record, but I know your MTT & s n g records is very wonderful, why you are not focus there and make good improvement from there ? Do you want play at WSOP , don't you? I think you had skill, talent and luck.
I have friend on line from Ukraine, he made money from cash game regularly than MTT, so he advise me to play cash game to build my bankroll. Not working to me, MTT still better. So I don't know which one is the best for you and I don't mean teach you . Just remind you.
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i would never give up playing MTT's but i understand what you're saying Serpang. I just was bored and figured why not take a shot at the higher tables. Considering how much i lost i wont be taking such a shot for a while lol. Oddly i was doing well enough i just had some real bad luck on some real key hands. Then when those went hay wire i just got silly. Dumb move but usually things like this just reinforce what i do feel comfortable with more then anything.
I had to reproduce the video i was planning on uploading for you but it will be up soon i swear.
When are you going to log onto either feltstar or hero and add me as a friend is what i want to know
------------ i really thought i was gonna be shattered logging into my account today and seeing i was down +300$. It took a bit to get but boy did it go fast. There were a bunch of factors that led me to thinking playing such high level cash was a good idea. First off, sure i think i can play. I know the risk/reward was too high but i really wanted to just drop in and tear it up. This is actually what happened originally. I got up to over 180$ from my starting stack of 100$ 3 times. Had i left the table at any of those times i would have been set. Instead i stayed too long and gave the money back. I did finish slightly up ~40$ the first night i tried. Then yesterday i went a bit buck wild. I didnt even play any mtt's. I think i was addicted to the money the night before. Needless to say i jumped into 4 1/2 tables at 100$ a piece and tried to play. This was a mistake. I got up on two tables but down on the other two. Whats more i lost track of my rebuy config and only after a couple 20$ addons did i realize i was losing money fast. Thinking that was a bad idea i consolidated and went to 2/4 limit. Here i again started off fantastic and even left the table at 180$ from again a starting stack of 100$ Then after a short break i returned to the same table and because you cant buy in less then you took out i was forced to buy in for 180$ so i bought in for 200$. Not thinking much at all i also joined a 1/2 9 handed table. Ill say quickly those 9 handed games are a much different beast all together. I lost a huge hand in the 2/4 on the river where i flopped two and the villain chases a river boat. A98 10 9. i had A8 he had 10 9. The crazy part about this hand is the villain was reraising me the whole way and on the turn we got up to 32$ or something silly i believe. After that hand i tilted off another 50-60 bucks although at the time id have sworn i was playing my best.
All said and done i dont regret it. I still have enough bullets to keep firing at mtt's and with the couple hours i did play to a small profit i racked up HUGE points. 300/hour roughly and i doubled my point total overall. Small consolations i know but hey i tried, failed and now back to business.
Also i got the call wednesday and ill be returning to work soon. So i was really trying to maximize my time. Ive already cashed off 500$ from hero and ive been playing but not having fun for a bit now and i really had fun playing that cash. Even if i lost.
So yeah im a complete meat head for losing what i did but the sun is shinning and the birds are singing
Edited by MicroMachina (03 March 2012 @ 16:18 GMT)
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very good hear you back to job and withdrawal. Be careful with your boring, make me lost some money by stupid thing. Seems your time break from poker for a week or two . I will look for you when I play at Hero or Feltstars. Not sure we had same time to play cause different time is 12 - 13 hours. And I waiting your video, especially at 100K MTT 125K now , right ?
P.S : remember you said to me - 1 penny will not became 1 dollar if you threw away
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Nice results there man . I don't know what it is, but I seem to be playing a damn site worse than what i have been playing recently. Not cashing at all in 40 man SnG's. Losing in Cash Tables. Busting out waaay before the bubble in MTT's. I don't know how you did it man, with your bankroll starting from $0. I just cant seem to get a decent winning streak going, currently down to less than $10 from $25
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Posted by Serpang: very good hear you back to job and withdrawal. Be careful with your boring, make me lost some money by stupid thing. Seems your time break from poker for a week or two . I will look for you when I play at Hero or Feltstars. Not sure we had same time to play cause different time is 12 - 13 hours. And I waiting your video, especially at 100K MTT 125K now , right ?
P.S : remember you said to me - 1 penny will not became 1 dollar if you threw away
LOL yes i do. I see you finally added me as a friend on hero. Oddly my mtt plays seems improved after my loss. I just lost in the 400$ dazzler with JJ on a J105 flop to an allin for over 25k. villain had 89 and hit a 7 turn. I think thats a good spot for me most times tho. Also i played a sng today 2$ 45 player and shipped it.
I do have the 125K freeroll in an hour and fifteen minutes so i hope i can play good there. Also tomorrow i get to play in the 500$ golden apples freeroll because i earned so many VIP's playing cash. Small victories considering.
If you are interested Serpang ill stake you some mtt buy-ins. If you promise to play the games i recommend to you? Keep what you win and if you end up finding some good success you can always pay it back later. If you go busto then alls well too.
Posted by IceFingers: Nice results there man . I don't know what it is, but I seem to be playing a damn site worse than what i have been playing recently. Not cashing at all in 40 man SnG's. Losing in Cash Tables. Busting out waaay before the bubble in MTT's. I don't know how you did it man, with your bankroll starting from $0. I just cant seem to get a decent winning streak going, currently down to less than $10 from $25
im not sure if you have but i list all the games i played to achieve 200$ profit in the first couple pages of my blog. In short i played the 25 and 50 cent games. I continued to grind the plo 5$ freerolls along with all the freerolls. I only started playing the 1$ DS games when i got to about 30$ i think. I know i never played a dazzler until i hit some nice cashes under the above system.
The freeroll i hit for 18$ cash + 33$ ticket obviously helped me tremendously. If the pages are too messy to read then you can look at my opr stats and select "show all results" and look at all the mtt's i played. Even the ones i lost. Save for some odd 3$ games i really think i stuck to some tight BRM until i could play better games. Even then i never played a big game unless i won a ticket to it or something.
And by grinding plo games i mean grind em to dust. If you are playing poker then u should be playing those games 100% of the time. It can get chaotic but i would set up the three plo games in a grid and then full screen the mtt's i would play. Also those tickets i won via levels were big helps.
Edited by MicroMachina (03 March 2012 @ 18:55 GMT)
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Thanks for your good intention Micro, what game are you recommend? , If I feel confidence why not ? Do you know jakehint , nickname at Felt or Hero ? Good luck in 125K ,poker maximus and golden apples. Look how good you are in MTT. Why play cash ? miis it ? ok, but don't lose control