Joined: Nov '09
Location: Canada
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 2387
Wanting to wish all the guys and gals in the BRM forum (you too Tony ) Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! May you crack the safe a few times (especially you Magatt), win the draw, open a calendar door and actually find a prize there , get lots of for your forum posts, not have your AA and KK cracked by 4-7o (unless I am holding them ) and most of all, may you have health, peace, love and happiness in your lives through the holidays and 2012.
Joined: Jan '11
Location: United States
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 3361
Haven't been here at the MOB for quite some time, but I can see I've found the Christmas Spirit that I was looking for. Nice to see the MOB supporters still here and sharing the holiday spirit. God bless you all and Merry Christmas to you also mahdrof. Hope to be reading and getting back in the forum again.
Joined: Feb '11
Location: Ireland
Age: 52 (M)
Posts: 476
merry christmas to you too mahdrof and to all the mobsters out there from all parts of the world, and welcome back greenmohave hope to be seeing more of you around here
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 6714
Merry Christmas....My friend has bought himself a presents, grrr, a 3D HD PC monitor along with an alien PC, totally pisses all over my 3D TV(that I never use), such a sick picture, now all I want to do for Christmas is go sit at his....Bahhh, ahh well LOL lets have a few beers, so jealous and I'm not even a gamer. Merry Christmas, hope Santa brings you what you wish, that being have health, peace, love and happiness in your lives through the holidays and 2012. So jealous!!