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PokerStars Sunday Million 10th Anniversary: First-Eagle won $1,146,570

PokerStars Sunday Million 10th Anniversary had a guaranteed prize pool of $10,000,000 when it was about to start yesterday. But the prize pool ended up even bigger ($12,423,200) as a field of 62,116 players joined the tournament and created one the biggest online tournaments ever. After about 14 hours of play the tournament went on a break and the remaining 6 players made a deal. The one who wa[...]   Read more » PokerStars Sunday Million 10th Anniversary: First-Eagle won $1,146,570

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PokerStars Sunday Million 10th Anniversary: First-Eagle won $1,146,570  0   
Passing from 59 thousand for more than 62 thousand is a big increase in the biggest tourney ever. Eventhough, it’s a bit strange to see that it only took 14 hours to find a winner. The First-Eagle has landed… in the first place!

PS software is definitly rigged and there is no point to use any poker knowlage, because you can win big only by makeing some stupid /complitely unlogical/ moves and suck out from your opponent.

Posted by mascona:
PS software is definitly rigged and there is no point to use any poker knowlage, because you can win big only by makeing some stupid /complitely unlogical/ moves and suck out from your opponent.

is that a FACT Confused

how is it that 5th place got paid more then 2nd place? im assuming it goes by stack size? if so wouldnt the 5th place winner of been the 2nd placer?

They cut a deal when they got 6 handed, it took aaaages to sort out the deal as TunaFish or w/e his name is wasnt happy, the guy who came 5th was 2nd in chips when they chopped up, cl had about 160m, he had 150, 3rd ~100, 4th 5th and 6th ranged from 60-100m.

salut tuturor si la multi ani

I'm sad that I missed out on playing and even watching this one. Congrats to the big winners.

loved the discussion for the deal

Lol that pokerstars even made a mistake at the first deal counting the numbers and forgotten to leave 200 k for the winner

Poker wasnt made just to play AA or KK. The possibility t get suck outs its huge even in big tourments like this one. I dont think pokerstars its rigged, in my opinion is that its poker and s**t hapens sometimes.

i hate when ppl say a site is rigged but still play it

14 hours is nothing really, i know 10.000 people tournaments that last longer than that lol

On such a participation is clearly that luck had a major component here...

Posted by james8king:
i hate when ppl say a site is rigged but still play it


Posted by mascona:
PS software is definitly rigged and there is no point to use any poker knowlage, because you can win big only by makeing some stupid /complitely unlogical/ moves and suck out from your opponent.

really .... didn't know it.
thx for the advice Thumbs Down

congrats to the winner, maybe one day...well one can dream Big Smile

who is first eagle? ooohh i know. another faking generated mother faker playr fabricated from greedy mother faker SCAMBERG. the name said it all

Posted by edyholdem:
who is first eagle? ooohh i know. another faking generated mother faker playr fabricated from greedy mother faker SCAMBERG. the name said it all

wtf?? he was talking in chat etc...? UBER LOLZ

This was a tournament with a huge prize pool, congratulations are in order to the winner and Pokerstars for their anniversary.

a very good price, congratulations the winners and the pokerstars for 10 years
expect 10 more years of success and great tournaments ahead

congrats to the winners and to pokerstars who beat all the records

congrats to the winners and to pokerstars who beat all the records

great field, shows that even in these times when online poker is on a decline pstars still manage to attract players from the whole world...great job from pstars- and a nice payday for the winner- wonder how much tax will he pay?

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