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Anyone else smoke more when they play Poker. I smoke 3 times more, and would have a problem if I had to play live where I couldnt smoke.I guess I´ll 1st have to stop smoking before I prepare for the WSOP.
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Diagnonsense - PISS (Poker Induced Smoking Syndrome) and regarding stopping smoking - it's very hard to do unless you join a de-addiction program or something like that
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Posted by initiator: Anyone else smoke more when they play Poker. I smoke 3 times more, and would have a problem if I had to play live where I couldnt smoke.I guess I'll 1st have to stop smoking before I prepare for the WSOP.
It's a psychological aspect of poker. The fact is, poker causes stress, and if you're a smoker, you deal with stress by smoking.
On another note, I'm a smoker as well, and notice I smoke a lot more when grinding. I also tend to smoke a lot more when I'm doing content writing, or web designing too. I think it's just a general stress relief.
As for the WSOP, I've seen these e-ciggarettes advertised, where they don't emit anything harmful, and still give you all the satisfaction of a real smoke. You might think about looking into that.
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Me too, initiator, during so looong time.
One day if decide don do it again. No more smoking during sesion of cash, and only one cigarette in breaks of MTTs. Free smoking if i reach final table .
A friend gave me an inhaler...I keep it loaded and beside my mouse. It makes me cough and I must say it nothing like the real thing. It does take the edge off and has helped me slow down smoking when I'm at the computer.
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30-40 nails a day and no ending sightable .... cannot get rid of it, especially when playing poker! the true fact for a hardcore smoker is that earth is shaking in stressful moments and there has to be something you can hold on. realized that in my former poolclub. suddenly the authorities had forbidden to smoke there at league days and it was just horrible how it affected my focus.
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I smoke less mostly when i play, but i smoke self rolled cigarettes and have no time to roll them. only when there are stallers or when i play on 1 table i smoke a bit more.
Sugestion: Try using a cooking alarm to reduce and only smoke when it goes off [ ofcourse you need to set it for longer then 5 min . lol ]
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yep im the same i can smoke loads when playing, its kinda like a cup or tea or coffee its good to have a smoke and a cup of tea poker and a smoke well it just seems like the right thing to do
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When I used to smoke in my house (a couple years ago now) I used to smoke a F-Load more when I played poker.. However, now days it's the opposite, particularly if I'm playing MTT on PKR as they don't sync breaks..
But even cash sessions, I tend to smoke a bit less - or if I do smoke then half way through I go back inside because I want to play again!
Best thing I ever done regarding smoking was to stop smoking inside, these days I've cut down to around 1-3 smokes a day unless it's a pub night.. Even if I'm drinking at home.
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i smoke a whole lot more when playing live with the boys, think its cuz they all constantly have a cigarette inthere hand so makes if harder not to. im kinda surprised how many smokers we have on here i thought i was the only one and hadda stay on the closet lol
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Its a bad habbit but a habbit. If you cant quit smoking which is the best thing to do at the end, try to smoke outside of your house only. That will reduce the time available for smoking. Get some nicotine patches or nicorette it may help you. I found the useless though
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Of all my bad habits I am glad smoking never became one, because the older I get the harder it is for me to change things. Nicotine is an extremely powerful drug, and my hat is off to anybody who can quite cold turkey. For the rest of you try some of the quitting aids out there and GL.
Posted by Doberhain: 30-40 nails a day and no ending sightable .... cannot get rid of it, especially when playing poker! the true fact for a hardcore smoker is that earth is shaking in stressful moments and there has to be something you can hold on. realized that in my former poolclub. suddenly the authorities had forbidden to smoke there at league days and it was just horrible how it affected my focus.
This, same situation here. I cannot focus without it always nervous and got no patience at all. When i smoke and play tho i can sit on my ass whole day, np, dont even have to eat. Sucks but it s damn hard to get rid of it. Tried few times to lower it 5-6 cigs a day. Was good for a week then back to old me. I rly wonder how ppl manage to quit smoking, must be some crazy determination.
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Do it like me, i dont smoke at home, only in my work and when i go out to a cafe or a bar. When i lived in france i smoked home and yes i smoked much more when i was playing, but since iam in my parents home, it doesnt affect me because i dont like the smell in my bedroom.
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I hear that! I smoke about the same as you. My intake triples up when playing poker. It's like I have to have a smoke in my hand constantly and when I'm not playing I don't smoke one an hour. Weird! So, I'm not only losing my money at poker, I'm smoking it away to. lol - Good Luck to All!
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Thanx retribution, I´ll try them out. Greenmohave : LOL that you also smoke it away. I know that tabbaco can be very expensive in some counries. Well new year is coming up... guess what my resolution is. Probably also the most chosen new year resolution in the world.