superman or batman in the heads up match of a life time
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Alirght guys i got stoned today and was pondering if superman and batman sat down to a heads up poker game who would come out on top? superman has the balls to pull off some sick bluffs but on the other hand that poker face batman has is sick just pure sickness. I think it would be quite the match something to televise for sure
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Batman is much smarter than superman. He'd have chips made of kryptonite and cunningly let superman slowly take his stack, pile up all those green chips in front of him and just when supermans at his weakest, pow! Superman's aces get cracked. Batman''s pulling trips out his sleeves, superman's crying and batman just don't give a s**t cos he's brutal.
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I would imagine batman to be a much more likely poker player..So I'll bet on him.
Posted by awood88: Batman is much smarter than superman. He'd have chips made of kryptonite and cunningly let superman slowly take his stack, pile up all those green chips in front of him and just when supermans at his weakest, pow! Superman's aces get cracked. Batman''s pulling trips out his sleeves, superman's crying and batman just don't give a s**t cos he's brutal.
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Batman would win easy and quickly, for sure. Superman would never win this battle, even if they play 10 HU in a row. Batman is very difficult to read because of the mask, and Superman likes to show what he is feeling when he looks at the cards, like if they give him strength or, in the other hand, like if they had kryptonite. Now Batman against Spiderman, that would be interesting, with Batman covering the game with the cape, and Spider grabbing and marking cards with web bits…
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With no cheating probably batman. he just looks meaner and has a mask to hide a bluff. If they could use abilities than batman bites the dust, can u see Superman picking the cards he wants from the deck using hes super-speed? no u cant its too fast lol
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Posted by Fakiry: Batman would win easy and quickly, for sure. Superman would never win this battle, even if they play 10 HU in a row. Batman is very difficult to read because of the mask, and Superman likes to show what he is feeling when he looks at the cards, like if they give him strength or, in the other hand, like if they had kryptonite. Now Batman against Spiderman, that would be interesting, with Batman covering the game with the cape, and Spider grabbing and marking cards with web bits�
lmfao love the responses guys im glad i got a nice heated debate going hehe batman wins it every time for sure
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Most casinos don't allow you to wear masks, so Batman loses one advantage. Not that that really matters due to supermans superhuman olfaction.
If they make the effort to check out past hands again superman is at an advantage with his eidetic memory, Batman will see superman playing, at the table he will be Clark Kent, superman has an inability to be recognized while wearing glasses, leaving Batman research pointless.
Superman will have no tells due to his superhuman control of face muscles. Batman is gay, and gets bummed by robin so has a loose bowl.
Batman has no superpowers, due to security risks, might be asked to remove his utility belt. He needs a partner(s) in "crime", and he is a millionaire so has no real sense of money and will spew it. Unlike superman who has a real job, real powers and needs no help from no one.
Now to cap it of, superman has potripper abilities, AKA X-Ray vision, even if that failed, he has superhuman speed, so could do a lap of the table without anyone seeing him.
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Posted by B1gfoot: Most casinos don't allow you to wear masks, so Batman loses one advantage. Not that that really matters due to supermans superhuman olfaction.
If they make the effort to check out past hands again superman is at an advantage with his eidetic memory, Batman will see superman playing, at the table he will be Clark Kent, superman has an inability to be recognized while wearing glasses, leaving Batman research pointless.
Superman will have no tells due to his superhuman control of face muscles. Batman is gay, and gets bummed by robin so has a loose bowl.
Batman has no superpowers, due to security risks, might be asked to remove his utility belt. He needs a partner(s) in "crime", and he is a millionaire so has no real sense of money and will spew it. Unlike superman who has a real job, real powers and needs no help from no one.
Now to cap it of, superman has potripper abilities, AKA X-Ray vision, even if that failed, he has superhuman speed, so could do a lap of the table without anyone seeing him.
So in conclusion, Superman will kick ass.
OMG|! This is fooking great analisis!!!! Plus Superman can burn his wining cards with eyes
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Posted by B1gfoot: Most casinos don't allow you to wear masks, so Batman loses one advantage. Not that that really matters due to supermans superhuman olfaction.
If they make the effort to check out past hands again superman is at an advantage with his eidetic memory, Batman will see superman playing, at the table he will be Clark Kent, superman has an inability to be recognized while wearing glasses, leaving Batman research pointless.
Superman will have no tells due to his superhuman control of face muscles. Batman is gay, and gets bummed by robin so has a loose bowl.
Batman has no superpowers, due to security risks, might be asked to remove his utility belt. He needs a partner(s) in "crime", and he is a millionaire so has no real sense of money and will spew it. Unlike superman who has a real job, real powers and needs no help from no one.
Now to cap it of, superman has potripper abilities, AKA X-Ray vision, even if that failed, he has superhuman speed, so could do a lap of the table without anyone seeing him.
So in conclusion, Superman will kick ass.
Hit the nail on the head!
Batman has more of a "Poker" character, but as detailed in your analysis, Superman has the powers he needs to ships the whole thing from anyone.
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Yeah! Good question! Superman will prevail since having the x-ray vision would pretty much ruin any chance that Batman would have. Unless, Batman plays dirty and breaks out the Cryptonite. I'm sure that would be based on the prize! Good Luck to All!
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Bat man would totally win, because even if he lost, he'd just say "I'm batmaaaaan", and automatically win. That and batman would totally kick supermans ass in a fight. He's batman ffs, no one can beat him.