Joined: Apr '09
Location: Australia
Age: 41 (M)
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Years ago I learnt a trick - (worked on PKR) - I selected the "minimum" amount to deposit and then deposited a smaller amount and it cleared. However - this was via bank transfer, I'm not sure how moneybookers work and whether this is actually possible or not.. But for a bank transfer it worked - I figured they would have to allow for exchange rates and such causing it to come through as less than the minimum and I was right.
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
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How did you end up with 1.80 in account? The only way to do it is, put 10-20-30 whatever min requirement of site in to bookers, deposit whole account to the site, wait a day or two remove all but the 1.80 then withdraw the deposited amount from bookers. I have never actually cashed out from bookers, so don't know if they charge, if so,like neteller, its pointless.
Joined: Mar '11
Location: Germany
Age: 41 (F)
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the problem is .. i just have cash... no money in my bank .. and just dont want to buy a paysafecard or something, i just wanna donk the 1,80 away... but i see there is no way..
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Australia
Age: 41 (M)
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you probably need to find somebody who'll exchange you the 1.80 on MB for money on a site were they can P2P XFR it to you.. Hardly seems worth it though lol.
Joined: Mar '10
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Age: 75 (F)
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Hi,on some Casino sites you can deposit 1$ and they give you 20$,try to google it you will find offers 2000% and maybe you do something with that 20$ in casino