Joined: Mar '11
Location: Estonia
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 118
Unfortunately we were unable to transfer your prize winnings from our PokerStars leaderboard - PokerStars rejected the transfer with the following reason:
"Due to regulatory reasons, the UserID you selected is not able to receive Real Money Transfers"
I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do, but hopefully you will still be able to play in our $1500 freeroll for top 200.
------------ wtf is this s**t no problems from PSO leaderboard and now this bulls**t just sent mail to PS lets see wtf is this
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
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urmas1983 & Fanja000,
From PokerStars: "We regret to inform you that real money transfers between players are not possible on PokerStars.EE. The Estonian regulator does not permit such transactions and therefore they are not offered on our site."
We have instead paid you in MobPoints.
Now might be a good time to support the political parties in your country that is against that regulation...
Joined: Feb '12
Location: New Zealand
Age: 54 (M)
Posts: 145
Posted by GomerAssassi: id# 558743828....WOOT WOOT...good luck all.
Sorry to hear u missed the 200 BRM Freeroll All the best next time
Thank You BRM for helping me build my bankroll(s) (on PS & PP).Id be way behind my goal(s) if not found BRM Im just $3.73 to go intill i hit my $50 target goal (just playing Freerolls, at PS). 16 more days and it been 1 year at PS (joined PSO) doing this personal challenge $3.73 to go, be grinding hard out for 16 days lol
All Thee Best Here's A thumbnail of the BRM 200 $1500 tournament A thumbnail of my PS Cashier
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Age: 60 (M)
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I like pokerstars but the BRM freerolls are massive fields of players.... so what should I do? Shut up and get on with it and keep playing...someone has to win and you guys are inspiration to do so. well done to all you winners..... you inspire me to keep going as there are benefits at the end. well done BRM
Joined: Feb '11
Location: Switzerland
Age: 32 (M)
Posts: 122
I have a question to all who play this BRM freerolls. How many freerolls do you play to get in the leaderboard? You must be crazy, to play so much tourneys in which the pricepool is 25$. The odd that you get in the leaderboard in the money is very small if you don't play much tourneys. And if you play much of these tourneys, this means that you don't have something better to do
Joined: Mar '09
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Age: 47 (F)
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They must be playing as many games as possible in order to keep the lead i think. Unless they get lucky and they score a few top positions which they will keep them there till the end of the leaderboard. It is very hard and exhausting to play all the freerolls in a given day.