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When should we hold the tourney?

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i'm 100% in ...there is a chance to show my skill to other BRMérs,,

last week played the rigged place and i was mega loose ...not my usual play ,but prizemoney was so low,,and buy in 0.09 cts... Big Smile Big Smile

think i got busted 1rst and did most rebuys.. lol

well was fun playing ,,,

i played so far twice first time was that freeroll got 6usd ... second time were 10 cent + 2 rebuy 1x addon ... finished 7th KK failed vs AK A were river was vs 2 players all in they both had ace lol bad luck me i guess Big Smile

@nipitiri3 - pokerstars told me that this was "exception from the rules"- so you shouldn't expect exceptions to happen regularly should you? anyway there is a small issue here: you have to cash first Big Smile gl to u in the tourney, and if you do cash- try to make it a decent amount, so that i could transfer it to you via moneybookers & you could withdraw it immediately to your bank/poker account.

Posted by saynothing:
Sounds Great pochui, I cant wait 4 this its going to be epic Big Smile

hope so, prize pool looks fat enough already- still anyone can beef it up with any amount they desire...

Posted by uhhcallmi:
i'm 100% in ...there is a chance to show my skill to other BRM�rs,,

last week played the rigged place and i was mega loose ...not my usual play ,but prizemoney was so low,,and buy in 0.09 cts... Big Smile Big Smile

think i got busted 1rst and did most rebuys.. lol

well was fun playing ,,,

glad you will be playing. yeah last week was fun & loose, but what else can you expect in the rebuy period- the fact that you do a rebuy loosens up you hands...& yeah buyin was small too- those tourneys are really fun.

Posted by nipitiri3:
i played so far twice first time was that freeroll got 6usd ... second time were 10 cent + 2 rebuy 1x addon ... finished 7th KK failed vs AK A were river was vs 2 players all in they both had ace lol bad luck me i guess Big Smile

well u still are in the green overall.
p.s. gonna open the registration tomorrow...(if stars do not fail)

Edited by pochui (21 November 2012 @ 08:15 GMT)

im maybe green if speak about club but i think i play more than most of BRM homeclub members (not in club tho i like cash tables or tourneys where decent prizzepoool) but i will join that xmas special gonna be fun event Big Smile Thumbs Up

Sat or Sun before Christmas,lots to do Blink like we have nothing before? should be fun all mobsters Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

tried to open the tourney for registration, but pokerstars still say i need to create tourney with 30 days in advance from gonna try to open it later in the evening, if this won't work ,then tomorrow christmas home game should be available for registration! see you all at the tables Thumbs Up

well i have created the tourney, but pokerstars only allow registration with two weeks before the tourney, so registration will start on December 8th 20 gmt.

Edited by pochui (22 November 2012 @ 20:38 GMT)

very nice Big Smile

Sunday before Christmas (December 23rd) for me the best time and if the tournament will be in this day i really will play and hope to win peace off this christmas cake Smile
good luck all and have fun

This game looks unreal and best of luck to everyone
once again Worship BRM

@ $k - yeah i think this tourney looks really nice on paper, hope it will just as good when it's gonna kick off. usually brm tourneys are better in terms of players- very little donking around & u can meet and chat with fellow brm'ers from the forum.
@ mazas - tourneys will take place on december 22nd, since most people wanted this date (as you can see from the poll) - hope you will be able to make it.
@catalin1979 - see you on the tables then...

hi pochui what is your stars account name mate. i want to play in the Xmas game and so need to transfer you the buyin. I am also thinking about being a sponsor but need a little time to get my ducks in a row Smile

Xmas is an expensive time of year. Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

Ronin Cool

Posted by RoninHarper:
hi pochui what is your stars account name mate. i want to play in the Xmas game and so need to transfer you the buyin. I am also thinking about being a sponsor but need a little time to get my ducks in a row Smile

Xmas is an expensive time of year. Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

Ronin Cool

You don't need to transfer the buy-in to pochui's account to play. Just join the club (see first post for details) and then register like any other Stars tournament.

ok thank you for the info mate.

I will get er done Big Smile

hope to see you all on the felt.

Ronin Cool

Posted by zeroster:
You don't need to transfer the buy-in to pochui's account to play. Just join the club (see first post for details) and then register like any other Stars tournament.

that's correct- you don't need to transfer anything to me, unless it's a donation for the tourney.

Posted by RoninHarper:
I am also thinking about being a sponsor but need a little time to get my ducks in a row Smile
Xmas is an expensive time of year. Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

no obligation here- donate only in case you really want to. and as i mentioned a few times- it's not the size of donation than matters most, but just the plain fact that you show the support for the idea- so even a $0.01 donation is Thumbs Up
BRM added $50 to the prizepool- so in any case there will be something to play for, any extra from the donors & the buyins/rebuys will make the Christmas tourney fatter (just like turkey).
hope to see you at the tables Worship

Edited by pochui (30 November 2012 @ 08:12 GMT)

needed to make this club more than they are enrolled, but unfortunately I did not donate money to pokerstars for myself Sad Sad

Sure would be nice to know what site this game is being held at.

@jolub - it's gonna be held at pokerstars, u can see the first post for a more detailed info on the tourney, but since u come from "the free country" i guess you are not allowed to play online poker for cash at most online poker rooms? at least this is the picture i have about the situation reading Greenmohave's comments

Posted by pochui:
@jolub - it's gonna be held at pokerstars, u can see the first post for a more detailed info on the tourney, but since u come from "the free country" i guess you are not allowed to play online poker for cash at most online poker rooms? at least this is the picture i have about the situation reading Greenmohave's comments

Just to clarify for jolub, it's on Stars. The filters here edit out the name of the site but if you press the quote button on a post you'll see the unedited version. Blink

Official Christmas BRM Home Game is finally open for registration!
Hope to see many mobsters in this tourney, many regs & some new faces too.
Anyways if you haven't noticed i edited the 1st post info regarding guaranteed tourney prizepool.
So far we have $52 guaranteed: $50 from BRM & $2 from me
we also have a list of brm'ers who pledged to donate money for the tourney:
$40 from AlexSimion
$20 from fcumred
$10 from MarcWinz
$10 from Doarulle
unspecified from takingdrugs

i'm sure it's just a matter of time before they will ship the cash, so i will update the list in the following posts (also gonna edit 1st post every time accordingly).

If anyone else wants to add to the prizepool- just inform everyone here and send me the cash (id on pokerstars: manpochui)

See you in the tourney Worship

I just registered, thanks for the organization manpochui Worship

What are you going to do about the 11 cents buy-in? A lot of players can't afford that! Blink Would be nice if there was a freeroll option in home games but I guess the developpers didnt think about that. Maybe we should e-mail pokerstars about it.

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