Joined: May '09
Location: India
Age: 38 (M)
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cake poker have shifted their operations to a new site named wincake. just logged in to that site and find most of players gone. only 73 players online have they separated from revolution network? looks like a pretty dumb move if that is true. maybe time to withdraw money from there
Joined: May '08
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Age: 60 (M)
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I guess the biggest difference is, that they have expanded to casino games and sports betting. Understandable, as they are no longer a competitor to the big boys in the poker world.
Joined: Mar '09
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Age: 47 (F)
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I last played there about three weeks ago if im right. They were still in the old network. Didint know anything about that till i saw this thread. Im gonna try and connect in a few minutes to see what is going on
There are a lot of rumours flying about the old Cake network which is now realistically predominantly Lock poker. Lock have been having questions thrown at htem for quite a while and their cashouts are a joke.
DOn't be surprised if Lock doesn't go belly up soon and Cake takes back its share of the market it lost to Lock in the first place.