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Hello! I thinking about to deposit around 250 $ in pokerstars. I've read much about bankroll managment and stuffs, but what I realy want to do is to play in Sunday million and I cant deposit over 250 bucks. Than I have 4 variants to action 1) Register directly in sunday million (But if I don win nothing would be total crush for me ) 2) Play 1.65 + r satellite (I won once but beacouse y stupid head I unreg and receive Tmoney than lost them) 3) Try to play 7 or 15 $ Sng and possibly make my bankroll double up than buy in in sunday million 4) Play MTT (special and reg) with max 11 buy in ( no rebyus ) and try to make a good bankroll
Please help me to decide what to do. I dont agree to play micro limits in a cash tables on sng like 0.01/0.02 , 0.02/ 0.05 and 1.5 sng beacouse in my opinion wins are small and my time just dosent worth it. So will be happy to hear diffrent opinions. Thanks!
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G'day mate
Well speaking as someone who has cashed in the Sunday Million 4 out of 9 times, I can tell you that after reading your first post. I think buying your way into the tournament would be a huge mistake. You state clearly that,
if you do not make the money and lose the $215 buy in amount that it would crush you.
You should first work on building up your bankroll carefully in a safe manner. Go ahead and try to satellite into the tournament but you must protect you bankroll as it is literally you poker playing life's blood for playing in cash & tournament games. I to have the money to buy into the Sunday Million but am NOT doing so because it goes against proper Bankroll Management. I can not make another deposit for a few months so I MUST protect my bankroll or I am out of the game except for freeroll. I wish you all the best be cool
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Nothing wrong with having a crack, if you can afford it - it's not really a bankroll management issue if you're talking about a once off.. Think about live poker: casual players often buy into games with bigger buyins that that even. Obviously if you're not rolled for it, don't make a habit of playing big buyin games every day; you'll hurt your bank account then..
But if you just really feel like you want to have a bash at PS's biggest regular game, than for sure - go for it!!! And Good Luck!
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G'day mate
You are correct jess if a player really wants to make a deposit and take a stab at it then why the hell not. I was shock to see that someone gave my above post a negative thumbs down. I was trying to give real honest advice and even stated the reasons why I made my recommendation. The original poster seemed to want our honest opinions on his situation so I gave him mine, and even pointed out my own position. Perhaps people thought I was bragging I do not know. I never said I did anything spectacular, in truth i had 4 minimum cashes and 5 losses, over all I lost money i think. I just do not want the original poster to, as he says, take a shot and miss the money, because he said, the hit to his bankroll would crush him. I do not want a fellow mobster to make a big mistake which can be easily avoided. I know how it felt when I missed the money when my own bankroll could not afford it. Hope stan avoids that horrid feeling of loss. best wishes to you all be cool
Edited by RoninHarper (16 November 2013 @ 05:05 GMT)
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Great advice above guys. I have often thought about a one off $215 hit at the sunday million but keep wondering how I would feeling going out somewhere near the bubble or good forbid in the first hand. (Some people do!)
I havent really done much about getting into it in otherways but once December is out of the way and I have some more time My aim is to build a roll by playing mtt n sngs and also the odd sattelte to get entry and see where it leads to.
Out of interest, did you all see that the same player won the sunday million two weeks in a row a couple of weeks ago?
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you should definitely not risk your entire bankroll on one tournament. you should try and build up to this by playing the lower stakes sngs or the lower mtts. never risk the lot in one go but good luck to whatever you decide to do
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Posted by pochui:
Posted by RoninHarper: I was shock to see that someone gave my above post a negative thumbs down.
corrected that...have a feeling The WhininMan was lurking around
G'day pochui
LoL you made me laugh when I read about the Whanker ... oops, I meant the Whiner was lurking about just wait for a chance to give members thumbs down again. I am relatively confident I know whom you are referring too If I am right i thought he got his dumbass band again. Best of luck mate be cool
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The best thing if your bankroll does not allow it is to go through satellites.
Lets say you are a multi table tournament players and playes buy in of $5-$25. And you play about 10 tourneys per day. So it will cost you about 250 dollars, but check your average buyins for the tourneys you played.
Lets say your average buyins is 15 dollars, and the satellite cost less than 15 dollars, you can opt to go through the satellites. If the satellite buy in is greater than your average buy in then do not play it as it is too much on your bankroll.
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G'day Heskor
Well mate that was a good piece of advice which you backed up with a very good break down example. I think your idea of the average buy in approach is a good one. Wish I had thought of it first Good luck on the tables mates be cool
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Have a stab and see if you draw blood - but if you have very little experience don't expect to get very far in such big fields.
I know if I had money to 'burn' I'd be entering these sorts of tourneys for sure. But if $250 means a lot to you financially, then spunking that on one tournament is really dumb.
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Thaks again for wise advices. 250 is my weekly wage Thats mean I can allow to deposit this amount of money once per month. Then is a 1.65 plus rebuy sat which has one addon 30000 chips. So I can try about 15-20 bucks on the sat.(maybe spare 7-8 bucks between two sats) So if it dosent worth any winnings I 'l try mtt and sng average costs 5 bucks hope one of this will be worth. I realise to buy in directly with 215 (almost my full bankroll) its the worst idea Thank you all!!! And I wish good luck everybody. I hope to have good luck as well.
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why not try the sunday storm it has good prize money and the buyin is only $11.00 , i usually play this one but i never pay $11.00, i usually get in through a sat because they have some that are really easy to get a ticket. then move up tothe million. good luck at what ever you do.
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A few nuggets of advice...
1. Never play as "scared money" - it affects your game negatively and you don't want to be the player trying to limp into the money missing many opportunities to increase your stack. Lets be honest, turning $200 into $400 won't make much difference to your life whilst reaching the final table probably will.
2. The Sunday Millions (and tournaments of a similar buy-in / prize) will be a round for a long time, there's no rush to play one. You could deposit the $200 and steadily build a bankroll, learning as you go.
3. If you're so keen to play and really can't resist, at least spend a few weeks railing the game, perhaps pick a few profitable regulars to watch. This will help you learn the dynamic and the structure of the game.
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thanks! actually I tried some sats and didnt get into sunday million, tried some micromillions and won just 40 bucks Nothing's wrong with that, xmas promotions are close and what i decided do to is - not to play sng anymore and cash tables (well maybe I will if I gain some money by mtt) and target to play only special tournament which I choise they will be 22 saturday 6 max and 11 sunady storm ( I ' ll play them every week than maybe once get a real big deal money then I will try 215 tournaments as well , and 215 heads up duel is my desire too