Posted by magatt966: It's years I'm bankrollmob member but still can't figure out which criteria are used to display forum users logged in.
any ideas
There is actually no reliable way to know which users are "logged in". Mostly this works by tracking if there was any "activity" by a user in the recent past. There is no "open" connection between your browser and the server, so the server can't detect whether you left already or not...
BRM filters forum users only, so they customized how it works. I know that in ASP.NET, the standard functionality for this is just about useless, because of the strange way in when it updates the "LastActivityDate" for a user.
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I'm sure that it's not an accurate meter, i men it's def not updated every second or so but basically there are shown members that are online on the forum in that moment...
I guess if you are logged out and you check out the forum your name is not there for sure.
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That can not be right. Tony loves you! All men love you! You are our reason for living! Just ask our man magatt966, he will back me up on this for sure! wishing you all the best. be cool
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It says that it displays only members with forum posts. Not everyone that surfs the site. Its not accurate though, since the refresh rate, takes some time for sure. I have found myself logged in while i wasnt. About the order now every time i get logged in it shows me as the last one.
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Age: 36 (M)
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I do not think duration is a factor because i usually let the BRM browser open all the time so i should be one of the first names.
I tend to believe that the mob account number of each BRM member is the criteria. I also observed it's not related to the alphabetical order of the nicknames.