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G'day mates I just got this total BS message from PStars support about a incident which happened at one of there tables. Several players was obviously working together and ripping players off. The investigation came back positive and after they seized the money from there account they reimbursed me $1 USD They took alot more then $1 off me by cheating but I only got back $1. Here is the message I got from PokerStars What a joke
PokerStars has become aware of a situation involving a violation of our Terms of Service, to the potential detriment of other players. You participated in games that were under consideration in this case and as a result you may have been adversely affected.
In a case such as this it is our policy to confiscate the balances of the offender(s) and for PokerStars to add funds where appropriate. This compensation pool is then distributed to players potentially affected in as fair a way as possible.
To confirm your credit, please log onto your PokerStars account, go to the 'Cashier' screen and click the 'History' button. Your share will be shown as "REFUND", followed by the amount of the credit.
The integrity of the games at PokerStars is of paramount importance and appropriate action will always be taken when players operate outside the Terms of Service. PokerStars works hard to police the games in order to pro-actively prevent such instances. However, in cases where it is discovered that rules breaches have occurred, the aim is to ensure that any players affected are compensated appropriately.
We regret that we will be unable to answer questions as to how your specific credit amount was calculated. Likewise, we are not at liberty to identify the specific games or player(s) in question. Suffice to say that the offender(s) have been barred from the site and you will not encounter them again.
Thank you for your continued play at PokerStars. Please let us know if we can help you with any further issues or questions.
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it may depend on the buy in of game,my buddy was also a victim of collusion on Ps,but they gave him back a lot more then $1 lol oh well better then nothing
The refund pool is consisted only from the confiscated money, that´s right. But the collusioners aren´t stupid, they know that they can be caught. So they withdraw their money from time to time.
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It is nice to know that they are keeping an eye on the integrity of the games and i hope that all the other poker sites are following suit. I have wondered a few times when playing if there are people on my table colluding but i am probably just paranoid
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At least some doing their jobs as they should, not like some other poker sites. Good thing you got a portion of your money back. Did you get any clue as to who they were, and what kind of game you were playing?
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G'day Mober
Well I suspect it was one of two tables I playing on and I did leave the tables as it was very obvious there was collusion going on. It really made me laugh though when the PokerStars support stay sent me the message and I discovered that they gave me back $1 entire US dollars LOL Well at least they actually tried to do something for a change. be cool
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I'm sure they paid what they believe was right ... they cant just give back all the money to every player who lost to the cheaters...
for example : the cheaters win a total of $100 from players A, B and C, and then lose $50 to players X,Y and Z ... now they would pay back only $50 to A, B and C, because they cannot take the money from someone who won it by playing by the rules...
Anyway it sucks that you got cheated and I hope you didn't lose too much GL!
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G'day mate
I understand what you are saying but I mean really why even bother to reimburse someone a buck. You get ripped off for $25 - $30 at a table by these maggots then they have another member of there team sit down and then lose everything to them, then PStars comes in and say oh well caught you colluding so you 3 are gone, but the 4th guys keeps all the cash. they make new accounts and do it all again. Everyone knows this BS is happening but nothing ever really gets done about it. Really a buck is just an insult and a joke. Why did they even bother I am just saying be cool
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Posted by RoninHarper: G'day mate
I understand what you are saying but I mean really why even bother to reimburse someone a buck. You get ripped off for $25 - $30 at a table by these maggots then they have another member of there team sit down and then lose everything to them, then PStars comes in and say oh well caught you colluding so you 3 are gone, but the 4th guys keeps all the cash. they make new accounts and do it all again. Everyone knows this BS is happening but nothing ever really gets done about it. Really a buck is just an insult and a joke. Why did they even bother I am just saying be cool
You got ripped 25$? Its so difficult to make somekind of collusion especially on the low levels when everybody is doing crazy s**t... And I think the only thing where they could make easily money is DoN or maybe even SnG.. But when they start to do that on sng its so easy to spot... I had one situation where there were 2 guys doing that on a bubble, and it was obvious both from the same country etc... And I lost on the bubble to these 2 jerks and made a complain and they gave me the first place money So I think that if they ripped u big time they would have gave you more.. Its not like they gonna be broke if they give you 30$
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Unlucky pal - watch out for these sheisters. I've seen them before and now if I'm even vaguely suspicious of players at a table I leave.
Many players from the same country can be an indicator as well as certain players never entering a pot when certain other players are in it. you get a feeling I think, but as its online its not easy to spot.
What are you going to do with the $1? Everyone is dying to know
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It's always difficult to clearly identify for yourself where there are cheats at the table, but focus and assessment will it's cool that the sites are picking it up but as always there is never enough dough to go around to provide appropriate recompense to those who lse ou. Keep your eyes peeled guys
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so ....those loosers got banned? or what .Even so this is very ugly cuz i know in what kind of situation have u been ,i just hope they r get permanently banned
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Posted by noonlion: Unlucky pal - watch out for these sheisters. I've seen them before and now if I'm even vaguely suspicious of players at a table I leave.
Many players from the same country can be an indicator as well as certain players never entering a pot when certain other players are in it. you get a feeling I think, but as its online its not easy to spot.
What are you going to do with the $1? Everyone is dying to know
G'day mate
Well I took the buck and sat down at a 0.01/0.02 NL Zoom table and played with it till it was all gone It took me almost a full hour to blow it away, I had a great time with that $1 I never win at Zoom, so I just wanted to have fun with it and I did. Zoom is bad, but I went in just to have fun and lose a buck. It was some good fun for the hour I was there be cool