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Posted by Mober: Once more hmidou you are going too far. Cant blame a whole nation for his actions after all. Not to mention that admin already has his finger on the ban button, since you have been warned already. Just be a little patient and hope he will send you the money. We all hope so !!!
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Posted by hmidou:
Posted by Mober: Once more hmidou you are going too far. Cant blame a whole nation for his actions after all. Not to mention that admin already has his finger on the ban button, since you have been warned already. Just be a little patient and hope he will send you the money. We all hope so !!!
Posted by hmidou: I trusted the bastard. I could have cashed out myself my money yesterday. Was upset all weekend and lost all what I had now. Away from home with 0 penny. Peter the thief I disgustingly spit on your mouth crook... I hate your entire nation u cheap cunt.
I'm actually really glad he didn't return your money. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside seeing what kind of a douchebag you are. Douche is even too soft to describe you.
Posted by steffdbird: secondly how can you seriously tell me to ''grow up'' when you include ''adam and eve in paradise'' in your pointless post?
Do you actually believe in that rubbish? I could give you a list of reasons why this would be impossible, Thus making in fiction, So really your trying to tell someone 10 years your junior to grow up whilst quoting complete made up b******t from fictitious crap.
Dude it was a figure of speech and a common reference. And the fact that you didnt noticed this tells me that I was just right about your level of maturity.
Whatever lol. Oh and its ''notice'' not ''noticed'' silly billy, I need to grow up and you need to go back to school what a pickle!
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Posted by Administrator:
Posted by Forcharity: Peter7878
Bulgaria, male, 37. Enrolled: December 2012. Last seen: Over a year ago.
Edit: L O L B A N H A M M E R
Clearly that's a bug somewhere, cause he wrote in this thread a few days ago.
yeah, yesterday i checked his profile and it said "last seen 3 days ago" today i see "over a year ago"- boy time flies so quickly...need to re-shave my balls asap ("last shaved over a year ago" )
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Posted by SuperNoob: I think this might be the biggest scam (not sure about flangel) in brm history against a fellow member if peter doesn't send money.
and imo this thread shud be locked nd stickied so in future other Ppl are more careful.
this got nothing on Flangel, that guy managed to get himself sponsored by one of BRM's affiliate poker sites, while he was scamming the forum! (and them lol).
------------ Also, it doesn't really count that much as a scam, as OP offered to give anyone / first taker the money.. More scam-like if the scammer manages to trick the scammed out of their money in some crafty fashion.
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really hope to hear back from peter... this is actually a bit sad, but he does nothing to help his cause :/
had no idea someone would actually be willing to lose his credibility for a bit more than 100 freaking euros, so im still hoping petere is waiting for his bank to process this payment or something like that, to send himumumu his money back
but whats worrying is we havent heard from peter for a few days already, and thats not good.
See himimumoru, if you actually acted like a normal civilized person would, i would be the first one to organize something to get your money back (if you think about it if just 10 people would donate 10 bucks each, its done... so its not a big deal really), but i doubt there are many people (esp east european ones, mind you lol) willing to help you now, considering you acted like a prick from day one.
Hate to see anyone (yes, even you) being scammed and i still cant believe someone would throw away his reputation just like that, on both stars and as a forum member hes been a part of for 2 years already...
so i still got some hope left peter actually shows up and explain whats going on, and more importantly, why is he ignoring this topic mind you :/
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Posted by jessthehuman: as OP offered to give anyone / first taker the money.. More scam-like if the scammer manages to trick the scammed out of their money in some crafty fashion.
haha yeah that too
@ apple - Srry but peter has already lost his reputation with the way he acted. sending money will only save his brm account not reputation, I doubt anyone would be willing to trade with him in future.
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If the OP had a little more patience he could get a could get a good deal from members playing in Poker Stars and are credible from proven past transactions. But he wanted to close the deal to fast. No matter if peter shows up and returns the money he is being scammed already.
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Posted by Mober: If the OP had a little more patience he could get a could get a good deal from members playing in Poker Stars and are credible from proven past transactions. But he wanted to close the deal to fast. No matter if peter shows up and returns the money he is being scammed already.
He was providing the fee for a fast transaction, because he wasn't able to cash out himself at that time. So the fee is pretty reasonable (although still too high in my opinion). It's a reasonable deal though if he needs cash urgently. There's a 99.9% chance now that he got scammed though, number one rule about trading (unless for ridiculously small amounts) is to never send the whole amount first, a trustable trader will always agree to trade in increments, especially for a fee like this, this could easily have been asked for.