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BankrollMob Forum » Hand Histories » Bad Beat AK vs AQ

Bad Beat AK vs AQ  0   
Game started at: 2014/5/4 0:20:55
Game ID: 2155034 0.25/0.50 JetJaguar (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: ME (12.91).
Seat 4: xxxx (10).
Player ME has small blind (0.25)
Player xxxx has big blind (0.50)
Player xxxx received a card.
Player xxxx received a card.
Player ME received card: Ace of clubs King of clubs
Player ME allin (12.66)
Player xxxx allin (9.50)
Uncalled bet (2.91) returned to ME
*** FLOP ***: 6 of clubs Queen of hearts 8 of hearts
*** TURN ***: 6 of clubs Queen of hearts 8 of hearts Jack of diamonds
*** RIVER ***: 6 of clubs Queen of hearts 8 of hearts Jack of diamonds 3 of hearts
------ Summary ------
Pot: 19.55. Rake 0.45
Board: [6c Qh 8h Jd 3h]
Player ME shows: High card A Kc Ac. Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
*Player xxxx shows: One pair of Qs Ad Qd . Bets: 10. Collects: 19.55. Wins: 9.55.
Game ended at: 2014/5/4 0:21:11

Worship Cool Big Smile Thumbs Up

Edited by Gabor2k12 (03 May 2014 @ 23:19 GMT)

Why did you push pre flop with AK?

Just Cool

Edited by Gabor2k12 (03 May 2014 @ 23:41 GMT)

Guy was obviously a clown calling with that but if you'd have raised and put out a big C bet you could have saved some money. Unlucky though.

Posted by TheDing1:
Guy was obviously a clown calling with that but if you'd have raised and put out a big C bet you could have saved some money. Unlucky though.

Don't kid yourself. THe number of times I've had idiots calling all in bets after the flop with Ace high, and hitting the lucky ace on the river is unbelievable.

Raising him would have resulted in him shoving all in pre flop and the results would have been the same anyway

I hate AK. You put to much focus on it and it's the hand that seems to crack my AA's and KK's when it gets to a pre flop all in usually started from them pushing it after a 3 bet from me.

Cmon, its just 1 hand for god sake Big Smile
Dont get excited or dissappointed over 1 hand lol.
Do get excited over upswings or do get disappointed over really long downswings.
Badbeat AK/AQ isnt worth mentioning Agree Agree Agree

AK v AQ isn't even a bad beat tbh

AK only has about 70% chance in winning.

That means AK will lose 1 in 3 times.

AQ will win 1 in four.

I wish people would spend five mins playing about on one of the many card calculators available before thinking their cards are bad beats. True bad beats are very rare in poker.

Yesterday i had a beat:
AQ / AJ with flop xxQ for my tourney life, turn J river J, thats a beat Tongue
But i dont post beats on forums, its just part of poker, you have to deal with it.

I would never have pushed all in straight away without any other pre flop action. I would have put a raise in and then if you are 3 bet then maybe you could shove and try and get him off his hand. The hand played out all wrong for you

Posted by fcumred:
Posted by TheDing1:
Guy was obviously a clown calling with that but if you'd have raised and put out a big C bet you could have saved some money. Unlucky though.

Don't kid yourself. THe number of times I've had idiots calling all in bets after the flop with Ace high, and hitting the lucky ace on the river is unbelievable.

Raising him would have resulted in him shoving all in pre flop and the results would have been the same anyway

How can you possibly know that?

Posted by TheDing1:
Why did you push pre flop with AK?

Nothing wrong with getting it all in pre-flop with AKs, especially against the right opponent.. Also - they were both super-short stacked.

Posted by IceQueenAce:
AK v AQ isn't even a bad beat tbh

AK only has about 70% chance in winning.

Yeah, I was thinking the exact thing.. I don't think any all-in preflop hand is really worth mentioning or worth considering a bad beat..

IMHO a bad beat is when you play to a later street and you outplay your opponent and they hit a one or two outter to save their skin on the river.

Posted by TheDing1:
Guy was obviously a clown calling with that .

You are a clown for calling someone a clown when you seemingly have no clue at all.. vs. a good shoving range AQs is an easy call 20BB deep.. even A10 is..

I would not called that a bad beat it is just a regular poker hand beat AK can be beaten with any cards Confused Confused Confused Confused

I do not like AK too much especially when you need to go all in with it pre-flop...

There are stages of an mtt in which ak is an ideal hand to shove all in but in this case i would have played the hand a bit differently that you did.

If you have less than 20BB AK is a monster hand, you can raise from every position, reraise all in from every position, call reshoves.
In some situations you can still fold though, for example if there is more than one player all in before you.

Posted by ddblt1970:
If you have less than 20BB AK is a monster hand, you can raise from every position, reraise all in from every position, call reshoves.

No not always

Completely disagree, if you have AK and you 3B and a tight player behind after you shoves then there's a very good chance that guy has a better hand than you. It'd most likely all come down to flips, but I honestly hate AK. I rarely shove pre-flop, I'll raise and only flat call any 3B. If the flop doesn't come my way then I'm saving myself the trouble of losing more chips in that off chance I may hit my pair.

Of course, this changes if there's a straight draw or if my AK is suited there's a flush draw. I'd honestly avoid shoving until I've seen the flop unless i'm less than 5-8 BB.

And every good player will disagree with a lot of this as well..

Not the best story! How do you like this: hero - AK Spade vs player A Club Q Heart
Preflop: hero 3$, player raise 9$, Hero calls
Flop: A Spade 5 Spade 8 Club Hero checks, player bet 15$, hero reraise 35$, player all-in, hero calls.
Turn: Q Diamond
River: 7 Heart
And i losed three time this way!

Good shove equity wise on the pre flop and good move but it will give rises to lot of variance as it is , but you could have played the AK better like raising the betting on the flop if you hit or even do a delayed c bet if they tends to called with anything and you can fold if raised. Anyway this is how i would analyses my hands to see why it has lost and so on. Anyway good luck and have fun at the tables!

BankrollMob Forum » Hand Histories » Bad Beat AK vs AQ

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