As i guess there are amateur players at thoses freerolls , you definetly lost a value bet on river , as by the way he played hes hand an A with a bad eather midle kicker would be the hand that he would have there , as if he called the turn wich was an ace , he probably was not going to just fold a value bet on turn like that , but you couldn't make a huge one , as if there would be a smarter guy he could easly make a reraise all in , as i think you are feeling that it's a weak hand and you could fold to that ...
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You dont say why you did not bet the river. Is it cause you were affraid off a full or it was a check raise.Cougar check the river too so i imagine that he would have fold on a bet. So you cant say if its a good or bad call.
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Posted by pinotte: You dont say why you did not bet the river. Is it cause you were affraid off a full or it was a check raise.Cougar check the river too so i imagine that he would have fold on a bet. So you cant say if its a good or bad call.
I actually felt he had hit a flush, hence the check to keep the pot small. I would have called a small bet but folded to a big one. With flush and fullhouse chances on board I did think I was behind. I felt if I bet and he reraised me, I would have to fold anyway.
I also feel the fact he checked as irrelavent. I could only make the decision based on what I thought he has/would do. By saying it was a bad check would be results orientated and I hate that.
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As there was no bet preflop or on the flop no one can know where he stands in that hand. Check at the river may be weak, but i can understand it. Didn't want to see a raise here.
He did not have proper odds to call a flush draw, with your turn bet; but maybe it was combined with an Ace or a 2?
I do think that the hands that you beat, that would call a small river bet, out way the value lost when you fold to an all in. I suppose it depends, on what type of player he is (does he check reraise all in on the river as a bluff?), and what type of player you are (do you steal the pot often on the river?).
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Disagree with all the line you kept, except for preflop one.
I would bet something between 50%-75% pot either flop turn and river here
Answering your question regarding river play I don't like your check either: you would fold to a strong raise also checking it but you won't get paid by all aces in play
Oh, my bad, I thought it was a gutshot, open ended you can both lead or check/call a reasonably big bet, but I wouldn´t put all the money in there, because it is a paired board.
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I do think that you missed an opportunity to get another street of value on the river. If he calls the turn, the likelihood is that he will call the river as well. But at least you won the hand so no harm really done
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If opponent just calls the river everything is gold. The problems start if he raises our river bet. The board is paired and a flushdraw came in. Opponent can have a better hand, or at least represent a better hand.