Not posted much in the forum but thought id share this with ya. I got my free bankroll for action poker 2 days ago and already won $230 just playing $0.50/1.00 blinds.
The best hand i remember was limped in from middle position with 44 and the big blind raised but he was playing very loose aggressive, the flop came 2 Q 4 i checked and he bet the pot $16 so quickly raised him to $32 he raised to $64 so i raised all in, i didnt waste anytime calling because i couldn't put him on a hand.
He turned over Q 8 suited lol
Thats how some people play but it was a quick $80.
I haven't had any bad beats on Action Poker yet which makes me keep playing to unlock my other part of the bonus.
Im on 415.70 out of 700 for the first part so shouldn't be too long before i get another $40.
At one point though i was tired and playing very poorly but i didn't give up, i was $100 down so decided to play at $1.00/2.00 table, i won a few pots and won about $35 back, everyone sat out apart from one player who had a big stack around $400 to my $225.
He raised in the small blind so i called with 66 bit of a loose call but i knew he had a hand because id played with him before lower limits.
flop came 3 J 6, big smile on my face, i quickly checked and he bet the pot which was $15 i raised to $40 and he quickly called turn came a 7.
At this point i couldn't read his hand, he checked to me so i bet the pot which was $101 and he folded after a long think.
The question is what would you of put this person on, i was thinking A K clubs or a lower flush draw i can't think of anything else he would of called with.
Another question is was i right betting the pot with a set with such a dangerous flop, the flop was 3 clubs J clubs and 6 diamonds turn was 7 spades.
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Well done mate I think you played the 66 hand perfectly, I would have played it like you did, a check-raise is always good, makes the other player think....
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Posted by andy5521: Hi peeps,
Not posted much in the forum but thought id share this with ya. I got my free bankroll for action poker 2 days ago and already won $230 just playing $0.50/1.00 blinds.
The best hand i remember was limped in from middle position with 44 and the big blind raised but he was playing very loose aggressive, the flop came 2 Q 4 i checked and he bet the pot $16 so quickly raised him to $32 he raised to $64 so i raised all in, i didnt waste anytime calling because i couldn't put him on a hand.
He turned over Q 8 suited lol
Thats how some people play but it was a quick $80.
I haven't had any bad beats on Action Poker yet which makes me keep playing to unlock my other part of the bonus.
Im on 415.70 out of 700 for the first part so shouldn't be too long before i get another $40.
At one point though i was tired and playing very poorly but i didn't give up, i was $100 down so decided to play at $1.00/2.00 table, i won a few pots and won about $35 back, everyone sat out apart from one player who had a big stack around $400 to my $225.
He raised in the small blind so i called with 66 bit of a loose call but i knew he had a hand because id played with him before lower limits.
flop came 3 J 6, big smile on my face, i quickly checked and he bet the pot which was $15 i raised to $40 and he quickly called turn came a 7.
At this point i couldn't read his hand, he checked to me so i bet the pot which was $101 and he folded after a long think.
The question is what would you of put this person on, i was thinking A K clubs or a lower flush draw i can't think of anything else he would of called with.
Another question is was i right betting the pot with a set with such a dangerous flop, the flop was 3 clubs J clubs and 6 diamonds turn was 7 spades.
Thanks Andy
Good work.
Try your luck this weekend at the $1000 mobster tourney, free entry if you deposit $25 or more and use the promo code BRM1000.
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good to see someone doing well.keep kicking arse,just get out early if you start haveing a down swing,or go play smaller limits.cauz you could lose alot very quickly
Sorry when i said $0.50/1.00 i meant $0.25/0.50 because i feel comfortable playing these limits. Normally a 10 player table because the action is slower which i prefer.
Bankroll is now upto $334.17 after a weird hand last night. Nearly $300 up now after 4 days.
Called with 44 and flop came 4 4 2, he bet $7.75 i called and he just didn't slow down what so ever and he bet something like $22.00 on the turn which was another 2, i quickly raised all in and called with A 10 suited lol
I'd been playing for around 5 minutes when that happened and left shortly after that because i know i won't get a decent hand for like an hour and the blinds will eat up my profit.
This is how i play, watch out for the donks, wait for a good hand and take advantage of the situation.
But thanks for comments i appreciate them and i normally get out if i feel that i'm having a down swing or playing bad.
It is funny though the other night i was playing very loose maybe because i was tired but i was $20 down and won it all back and an extra $5 so i was up $5 so decided to leave before i lost anymore.
I've had really bad experiences with poker in the past i won't mention any figures but now i really want to build up a solid bankroll.
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Bankrollmanagement has nothing to do with comfort or confidence. 40 bucks even "only" at a NL 50 table means that one bad river card can eat up your whole money. You got lucky, but that is no guarantee.
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congratulations on your winnings , sounds like you are off to a good start. I have never played on Action pokers site, but I plan on checking them out. Everyone here seems to like thyem.
brilliant.. i usually play really well untill my patience gets the best of me.. patience is a key thing in poker and yet i can't hold it long enough.. bad beats is usually the thing that corrupts me i think.. gonna give it a good o on action poker though.. and well done again.. drinks on oyu?
Patience is the key to winning at poker if you haven't got patience don't play, if you receive a bad beat either leave or block it out and start over again. This is what i do and it seems to work for me.
Bankroll is now up to $526 hoping to hit the $600 mark today.
By the way there was a hand on action poker which i keep thinking about.
I was in early position with 5 8 i decided to fold because it was a 1/2 table and there was really loose aggressive people.
Couple of raises preflop. Flop comes 7 4 6 i was pretty gutted i didn't make a loose call. There was alot of betting so i was guessing pocket pairs and probably a flush draw.
So at this point 3 people all in pot was around $300.
player 1 had 7 9
player 2 had 10 10
player 3 had J J
Turn came 3
River came 3
It would of been a very loose call but the player that acted before me who had 7 9 called a $9 raise which is just too risky.
What would people here of done? It is lucky to flop a straight but i wouldn't play 5 8 suited with that kind of raise, only if i could limp in.
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I would have done the same 'FOLD' and then feel bad just like you did I also only play these hands if I can limp in. Don't think about it too long in the long run you will loose money calling hands like this
Thanks for the vote of confidence i just needed someone to say "FOLD" and "don't feel too bad about it" i feel alot better now.
Speaking of 5 8 suited i won a big hand with it before called a minimum raise at $0.10/25 cent table 10 players.
Flop came 7 9 3 diamonds the raiser bet and i quickly called along with 2 or 3 other people. 6 on the turn making me the nuts. The raiser then went all in and i quickly re raised the pot and i got quickly called by 2 other players.
The river came 2 so i knew i had everyone beat and i went all in, he called after a long think, he turned over trip 6's, the other players turned over A K and the other J 10 off suit.
Think i made about $30 off that hand. I was up $70 in an hour so im nearly at the $600 mark which i said i wanted to be at today. Only $6 off it.
Think everyones getting bored of me posting now.
Has anyone else got stories to share i'd love to hear them.
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Location: Netherlands
Age: 43 (F)
Posts: 314
I always like it when these things happen, or for instance last night I had Q4 and sitting in BB, nobody raised so I checked in. Flop 4QQ I checked the first round so nobody got suspicious
Joined: May '08
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Age: 60 (M)
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Posted by Poeinkie: I always like it when these things happen, or for instance last night I had Q4 and sitting in BB, nobody raised so I checked in. Flop 4QQ I checked the first round so nobody got suspicious
Nasty slowplay.
That shows one reason you should raise when you plan to play a hand, push the big blind out of the hand. If you limp it is impossible to put the BB on a hand, and ha can hold any two cards.