I have posted in the poker forum about this before but i'm just excited about what i've achieved so far and my patience is better than i thought
I received my action pokerbonus and decided to sit down at 3/6 cent tables and won about 20 dollars because of some donks at the tables so i was happy about that.
I made the move of moving upto 10/25 cent tables which was a mistake because of bankroll management but i was happy to do it after all it was free so i could play a bit more comfortable.
I hit alot of hands and cleared out alot of donks because they dont know how to play and 10/25 cent blinds won't kill them, i've got to know the regular players and how they play so i always avoid them and exploit the weaker players with patience.
While i've been at action poker i've had AA around 8 times and never lost with it, KK i've never lost with it but i'm always cautious about playing QQ and JJ but always try to raise people out of the pot, if an A comes i will check it down.
The reason i do this is because people call with small pocket pairs and this is why AA and KK get cracked because people don't realise that they have a better hand and alls they have is a pair of A's or K's.
I saw a hand at the table i was at, a person raised from early position with A A and a person from middle position just called with 10 10 and the person with 10 10 hit a set while A A bet and 10 10 raised all in so AA had to call.
This is what i do i will call a minimum raise with a pocket pair normally 4's and above so if an A hits i will normally get alot of action from weaker players.
Action Poker is the best, and thanks bankrollmob for the no deposit bonus.
I'm determined to keep building up my bankroll up.
The only major set back is i can't make a deposit into action poker because of my bank account, i cant make any online transactions with it.
I do have a moneybookers account, i'm sure there is some kind sole out there willing to lend me the money so i can deposit into my account i think $25 is the minimum.
Once i get the money out of my account i will pay back the money in full, maybe a bit more hehe
Joined: Mar '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 45 (M)
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Nice work, keep it up, if you do get real stuck give a holler on here, i might just help you out. But that said you shouldent need any help, affliate for bankrollmob, make a few post and try your luck on the safe and draw, after that is all done you should be on your way to 5k points and wallar, you now have $50 smackers in your account to make a deposit with. GL.
Joined: Jan '09
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Age: 34 (M)
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Wow! Nice story, and nice bankroll! Maybe try yo get to 5k points by affiliateing (is that even a word?) to BRM, and youll get a lot of points, try posting in forums (dont spam though) Once you reach the 5k mark you can get your money to moneybookers and then do a deposit!
Joined: Jan '08
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Age: 38 (M)
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lol nice for u but.my action poker carreer was short and brief , see i also had AA an KK numerous times but i lost all of then and within 5 hours my bankroll was gone,i know bad bankrollmm,but he its free money what can u doo, but good luck 2 u .
Joined: Jan '09
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Age: 38 (M)
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good to see youre doing great! i got my action pokerbonus cleared and raised my bankroll up to 280 but then got greedy and forgot the proper brm (action poker needs more players so you can actually play on youre lvl multitabling) theres lots of fishes and the sunday 10000 guarantee is a great tournament
Joined: Jan '08
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Age: 41 (M)
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great job, i'm down to like 12$ because people sucked out on me etc.... dunno if i can get back with only 12$ .... maybe to try 3/6 cent tables playing ultra tight ....
Joined: Jan '08
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Age: 44 (M)
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andy5521, i might be able to help you moneywise, if you still need a lending hand that is. as long as i dont violate any rules on the BRM. drop me an email **removed** for further discussions
Edited by Administrator (13 March 2009 @ 11:21 GMT)